• Communicating with School Following a Concussion

    It is important to notify your child’s school and School Nurse following a head injury/concussion diagnosis in order to develop a plan for re-entry to school.  Full recovery from a concussion may take several days to several weeks, or even months in the wake of a severe concussion.  There are physical and emotional symptoms that may continue during recovery:


    Return to School


    1.  Lincoln Public Schools requires that a student returning to school post concussion submit a re-entry plan from his/her healthcare provider.  This plan needs to delineate physical activity restrictions and classroom accommodations, as needed.  Your School Nurse will share these specific recommendations with your child’s teachers.


    Heads Up Acute Concussion Evaluation (ACE) Care Plan


    Please Note:  Students who diagnosed with concussion as the result of participation in LPS Extracurricular Athletics must submit a Post Sports-Related Head Injury Medical Clearance and Authorization Form prior to resuming the athletic activity.


    Post Sports-RelatedHead Injury Medical Clearance and Authorization Form

Last Modified on March 27, 2019