• Head Lice Guidelines

    Pediculosis (head lice) is a common problem in school-aged children.  It is the position of the Lincoln Public Schools that head lice should not interrupt the educational process.  Our goal is to educate students and parents/caregivers to properly identify and eliminate head lice and nits as quickly as possible.
    Major health organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Association of School Nurses discourage policies and practices that call for exclusion of children from school.
    If your child has been found to have head lice during the school day:
    • Parent/Caregiver will be notified
    • Parent/Caregiver and nurse will collaborate regarding the treatment of nits and head lice
    • Following the treatment for lice, students and parent/caregiver must check in with the school nurse to discuss on-going, effective management
    Parent/Caregiver Responsibility:
    • Parent/caregivers have the primary responsibility for the detection and treatment of head lice
    • Children's hair should be checked on a regular basis at home
    • Parent/caregivers will notify the school nurse if their child is found to have lice 
    You may find the following resources helpful:
Last Modified on March 11, 2019