Student Resources

Grades K-2

  • BrainPOP Jr

    Dreambox (Math)

    EduTyping (Grade 2)

    Everyday Mathematics

    ThinkLink (FOSS) (Science)

    Lexia Core5 (Literacy)



    Sora (Digital Books)

Grades 3-5

  • BrainPOP/BrainPOP Jr

    Dreambox (Math)


    Everyday Mathematics

    ThinkLink (FOSS) (Science)

     Lexia Core5 (Literacy)

    Newsela (4-8)


    Sora (Digital Books)

Grades 6-8

  • BrainPOP

    HMH (Science)


    Read Naturally Live

    Savvas Realize CMP3 (formerly Pearson Realize - Math)

    Sora (Digital Books)

    TCi History Alive! (Gr. 7 Hanscom)





Lincoln Campus Hanscom Campus
Lincoln School Library
Lincoln School Destiny
Research in Context
Periodical Database for Middle School Students
K-4 version of Infotrac, a periodicals database 
The public library's homepage can explain their services. You can also find out about programs coming up.  
The Minuteman Library Catalog
The catalog for the HUGE Minuteman Library network. If you are looking for something beyond what we have, check here. Tip: Select Lincoln under location for a local find.
Encyclopedia Britannica
New York Times
The online version of articles in full text.
All Statewide Databases- Menu
This link leads to many specialized information databases available to our school through the state library system.

Calendars, Handbooks, Policies

District Hanscom Lincoln
LPS Student and Family Handbook
Technology Responsible Use Guidelines
(Technology Policy)
LPS Bullying Incident Reporting Form