Medication Administration in the School Setting
Note: All forms on this page, in addtion to other Health/Medical forms, can be found in the Family Document Center.The Lincoln Public Schools Medication policy provides for the health and safety of students requiring medications during the school day.A medication authorization form must be completed and be on file in the school Health Office before any medication is administered.The following statements highlight the main points of the policy. The entire policy is available for review in each Health Office.- Medication orders must be renewed at the beginning of each school year.
- Any medication prescription or OTC medication requires written authorization from a student's health care provider and a parent/guardian.
- The pharmacy-labeled container can be used in lieu of a physician's order only in the case of short-term medications i.e., those medications to be given for ten (10) days or less.
- All medication MUST be delivered to the Health Office by the student's parent/guardian or a designated adult.
- Only a thirty (30) day supply of medication will be accepted at any time.
- All medication (prescription or OTC) must be delivered in a correctly labeled pharmacy or manufacturer's medication container.
All medications must be picked up by a parent /guardian before the close of the school year. Any medications not picked up by the close of the school year will be disposed of.
I. Prescription and Non-Prescription (over-the-Counter) Medications: Download the Medication Administration form.II. Emergency MedicationsEpiPensStudents with diagnosed or suspected life-threatening allergies to foods, insects and/or latex MUST have the Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Plan, or a health care provider medication administration form on file in the Health Office. This medication order must be renewed for the start of each school year. EpiPens must have a pharmacy label on the manufacturer's box. Download the Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Plan form.InhalersStudents with a diagnosis of asthma who may require the use of an inhaler/nebulizer during the school day MUST have a Massachusetts Asthma Action Plan, or a health care provider medication administration form on file in the Health Office.A student in Grades 4-8 may be allowed to self-carry his/her inhaler with written parent permission and the authorization of the school nurse. An LPS Parent/Student Agreement for Permission to Carry an Inhaler must be renewed each year. Download the Asthma Action Plan form.
Last Modified on March 8, 2019