• Tech@Lincoln

    Student Use of Computers and Internet at School pdf

    Welcome to the Instructional Technology section of Lincoln School. There are two Technology Integration Specialists: Cindy Matthes and Mark McDonough on the Lincoln Campus, who provide direct instruction in technology to students, work with teachers to integrate technology into their core subjects and provide professional development to staff to support the use of technology in their teaching. Cindy teaches technology classes to grades 2, 3, 7, and 8, and Mark teaches classes to grades K, 1, 4, 5, and 6.

    All grades use technology by:

    • participating in everyday classroom activities
    • completing technology-infused projects
    • accessing technology components of textbooks
    • accessing skills-based software programs

Some of the websites, apps, and software we use include the following:

Last Modified on February 16, 2024