Hearing and Audiology
School(s): All Schools
Grade(s): PreK-8
The Lincoln Public Schools has a Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing on staff who provides consultation and technical assistance to faculty and staff regarding services for students. When a student has a greater need than this, the district contracts with an outside specialist for the services.
ServicesDirect Services
Services for students with deafness or hearing impairments may include training to the student and the staff on the use of residual hearing, hearing aids, and other amplification devices; support for communication skill development; training in the use of compensatory strategies, including visual communication skills; as well as, support in academic areas.
Indirect Services
Monitoring and consultation to parents and general education teachers as well as in-service training to classroom teachers regarding the needs and accommodations necessary for individuals with hearing loss or auditory processing disorders; technical assistance to school staff regarding the function, use, and maintenance of specialized equipment and assistive technology and direct services.
Transition Services
The Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing or other providers are involved in the transition process between receiving and sending teachers.
Last Modified on January 21, 2022