• Occupational Therapy


    School(s):    All Schools
    Grade(s):    PreK-8


    Occupational therapy services primarily focus on purposeful, goal-directed activities that improve a student's functional performance during their school day.  Occupational therapy at Lincoln is provided both in and outside of the general education classroom by both occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants.  Occupational therapists collaborate and consult with general education teachers, special education teachers, and other related service providers to promote success for students.


    Occupational therapy is tailored to meet the individual needs and goals of students in the program.  Occupational therapists assess students within their educational setting, using an ecological model to determine their needs; provide treatment, program consultation, and environmental modifications for students with disabilities to improve performance within the educational environment; and collaborate with team members, including students, parents, teachers, adapted physical education teachers, orientation and mobility specialists, and speech and language pathologists. 

    School-based occupational therapy may include individual or small group treatment, consultation, monitoring, or environmental adaptations.  Occupational therapists work on several skills in the school setting including sensory processing, motor planning, postural control/strength, fine motor skills, visual motor skills, visual perceptual skills, ocular motor skills, and self-help skills. 


    In addition to the direct services described, indirect and transition services are available for students receiving Occupational Therapy.  The range of services varies widely depending on a student's individualized needs.  The type and frequency of service are decided at the Team meeting.

    Indirect Services
    • Monitoring and consultation to parents and general education teachers is provided regarding the interventions
    • Data may be collected in a variety of settings to track the success of the service
    • Co-planning with general education teachers
    • Participation in collaborative team meetings
    • IEP preparation
    • Observations
    Transition Services
    Occupational therapists are involved in the transition process between receiving and sending teachers. 



Last Modified on January 21, 2022