Vision Services
Vision - Orientation and Mobility
School(s): All Schools
Grade(s): PreK-8
The Lincoln Public Schools contracts with outside providers to deliver vision services for blind & visually impaired students.
The services may include in-service training to classroom teachers, curriculum adaptations, consultation, and specialized instruction in Braille, assistive technology, and adaptive techniques. Emphasis is on the educational accommodations and modifications that would allow students to access the curriculum.
Orientation and Mobility instruction is provided in the educational and community settings to incorporate independent travel and safety skills. The ultimate goal of these services is to provide the student with the opportunity for productive and positive educational inclusion resulting in successful integration within in the community.Indirect Services
- Monitoring and consultation to parents and general education teachers is provided regarding the interventions
- Development of curricular modifications and accommodations
- Co-planning with the general education teacher
- Participation in collaborative team meetings
- IEP preparation
- Observations
Outside providers of vision services are involved in the transition process between receiving and sending teachers.
Last Modified on January 21, 2022