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About Lincoln Public Schools
Teacher Websites
Preschool Teacher Websites
Lincoln School, Gr. K-4 (Smith)
Lincoln School, Gr. 5-8 (Brooks)
Hanscom Middle School
Hanscom Primary School
Staff Directory/Contact Info
Hanscom K-4 Teacher Websites
Clarkin, Stacey (Wellness)
Herzog, Elaine (Math)
Mitton, Diane (Grade 2)
Williams, Jennifer (Special Ed.)
Keane, Mary (Grade 2)
Salis, Mara (Social Worker)
Vignola, Rose (Literacy)
Shaw, Tiffany (Grade 2)
Cloutier, Lisa (Phys. Therapy)
Falcone, Lisa (Speech Lang.)
Hughes, Karen (Foreign Language)
Thrasher-Hybl, Tracy (Librarian)
Iannella, Samantha (Grade 2)
Horenstein, Sharon (Grade K)
Polster, Kim (ELL)
Visone, Stephanie (Special Ed.)
Putnam, Nicole (Technology)
Baughan, Carolyn (Grade 3)
Forsberg, Lindsay (Grade K)
Love, Kaitlyn (Grade 1)
Eisenman, Elizabeth (Grade 3)
Ruiz, Ryan (Music)
Killian, Jessica (TIS/BCBA)
O'Brien, Samantha (Occ Therapy)
Lynch, Cynthia (Grade K)
Sur, Matthew (Psychologist)
Esposito, Kathleen (Psychologist)
Matot, Lauren (Grade 1)
Dexter, Scot (Literacy)
Traut-Savino, Jessica (Grade 3)
Malm, Keri (Science)
Clark, Christina (Special Ed.)
Sullivan, Mary (Art)
Defina, Andrea (Grade 2)
Arango, Jeanne (ELL)
Stavsky, Alexandra (Special Ed.)
HPS Library
HPS Special Ed Team
Nierenberg, Ariel (Grade 3)
Hanscom Schools' Clinical Services
Literacy Center
Hanscom 5-8 Teacher Websites
Albuixech, Monica (Technology)
Clancy-McCarthy, Elizabeth (Grade 4)
Dunfey, Sarah (Grade 5)
Eagan, Andrea (Grade 4)
Goranson, Jeanne (Literacy)
Kalesnik, Gregory (English)
Martus, Catherine (Foreign Lang.)
Morin, Heather (Math)
Shannon, Carolyn (Math)
Shestopoal, Asya (Special Ed.)
Whelton, Carole (Grade 2)
Cloutier, Lisa (Phys. Therapy)
Falcone, Lisa (Speech Lang.)
Hall, Kristin (Drama)
Thrasher-Hybl, Tracy (Librarian)
Cassidy, Melissa (Grade 5)
Polster, Kim (ELL)
Fasciano, Becca (Science & Applied Tech)
Rinaldo, Kathryn (English)
Dixson, Scott (Special Education)
Sur, Matthew (Psychologist)
Pehl, Michelle (Special Ed)
Garside, Brian (Social Worker)
Flaherty, Ryan (Special Ed.)
Lewis, Rebecca (Grade 4)
Finnegan, Katherine (Special Ed.)
Simpson, Brenda (Science)
Hanscom Schools Library
HMS Special Ed Team
Preschool Teacher Websites
Brown, Dayna PreK
Cullen, Maureen PreK
Linke, Lizzy PreK
Reneris, Sharon (Speech Lang.)
Fishbone, Dori (Occ. Therapy)
Tempinski, Katherine (PreK)
Parker, Susan (Teacher)
Grady, Megan (Teacher)
Sullivan, Courtney (Speech Lang.)
Lincoln K-4 Teacher Websites
Blumberg, Gwen (Library)
Curry, Caroline (Grade 2)
Katz, Kim (Special Ed.)
Hachey, Kerry (Special Ed.)
Kuchel, Colette (Special Ed.)
O'Sullivan, Jennifer (Grade 3)
Goldner, Rachel (Grade 1)
Reed, Matt (Grade 4)
Webster, Melissa (Grade 3)
Cloutier, Lisa (Phys. Therapy)
Fishbone, Dori (Occ. Therapy)
Matthes, Cindy (Technology)
McDonough, Mark (Technology)
Lincoln School Mental Health Team
O'Connell, Kathy (Math)
Metzger, Ellen (Math)
Nageotte, Alissa (Grade 2)
Specials K-4 - Curriculum Updates
Hansen, Karena (Foreign Lang.)
Martinez, Tara (ELL)
Markelz, Maureen (Literacy)
Staffin, Christine (Grade 3)
Steed, Jannette (Speech/Language)
Lamenza, Linda (Literacy)
Moeller, Shelley (Social Worker)
Stroup, Nicole (Grade 1)
Dionne, Bethany (Psychologist)
McDonagh, Nicole (Grade 2)
Wiggins, Jessie (Speech/Language)
Lincoln School Tech Classes
Lincoln School Garden
Speech & Language Therapy
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Math Specialists
Lincoln School Wetland Trail
English Language Learners (ELL)
Sample Teacher (Technology)
Lincoln 5-8 Teacher Websites
Barkin, Julie (Grade 5)
Burke, Scott (Wellness)
Daniels, Shirley (English)
DiBiase, Pamela (Art)
Glosband, Wendy (Social Studies)
Hansen, Karena (Foreign Lang.)
Reynolds, Julie (Science)
Spencer, Melissa (Special Ed.)
Sheppard, Karen (Music)
Smits, Catherine (Special Ed.)
Sykes, Amanda (Foreign Lang.)
Torchia, Alechia (Special Ed.)
Sheppard: BCO
Trant, David (Science)
Cloutier, Lisa (Physical Therapy)
Fishbone, Dori (Occ. Therapy)
Hall, Kristin (Drama)
Matthes, Cindy (Instructional Tech.)
McDonough, Mark (Instructional Tech.)
Lincoln School Mental Health Team
O'Connell, Kathy (Math)
Metzger, Ellen (Math)
Nam, Jenny (English)
Skelton, Hilary (English)
Martinez, Tara (ELL)
Blumberg, Gwen (Literacy)
Malm, Keri (Science)
Price, Tara (Math)
Conway, Jodie (Math)
Special Education Team
Specialists' Blog, 5-8
HMS Building Project
School Homepage Template
News from the Schools
Lincoln Alive!
Live Events
Lincoln Public Schools
School Building Advisory Committee (2013-2015)
Page Navigation
Lincoln School Building Advisory Committee
Agendas 2013 - 2015
Meeting Minutes
SBAC Meetings and Forums
Meeting Minutes 2013-2015
SBAC Meeting Minutes
June 18, 2013
June 27, 2013
July 10, 2013
July 17, 2013
August 7, 2013
August 14, 2013
August 21, 2013
September 3, 2013
September 11, 2013
September 25, 2013
October 2, 2013
October 16, 2013
October 30, 2013
November 6, 2013
November 13, 2013
May 12, 2014
May 20, 2014
May 27, 2014
June 3, 2014
June 10, 2014
June 17, 2014
June 25, 2014
July 1, 2014
July 8, 2014
July 14 and 15, 2014
July 22, 2014
August 5, 2014
August 13, 2014
August 19, 2014
August 26, 2014
September 2, 2014
September 9, 2014
September 16, 2014
September 30, 2014
October 7, 2014
October 14, 2014
October 16, 2014
October 21, 2014
October 28, 2014
November 4, 2014
November 5, 2014
November 12, 2015
November 18, 2014
December 2, 2014
December 9, 2014
January 6, 2015
January 13, 2015
February 3, 2015