• Lincoln METCO Parent Board


    Vision Statement

    We are a group of parents partnering with the METCO Director and staff to help increase parent engagement, build a sense of community and to help facilitate necessary initiatives in areas where there may be a need.

    Mission Statement

    To support the Lincoln METCO staff and build an engaged, inspired community with METCO participants and families.

    Members and Roles

    The Lincoln METCO Parent Board is open to parents/guardians. There are no dues and parents/guardians may join at any time during the year. Parents/guardians can participate on the Lincoln METCO Parent Committee by regularly attending meetings or volunteering for opportunities. 


    Chair: Kim Mack

    Co-Chair: Vacant

    Communications Chairperson: Lissette Gil-Sanchez

    Interim Parent Volunteer Coordinator: Lissette Gil-Sanchez

    Co-Chair Outreach Committee: Jessica Llaverias

    Co-Chair Outreach Committee: Vacant

    Outreach Committee Member: Vacant

    Outreach Committee Member: Vacant

    Activities/Social Coordinator: Jessica Stinphil


    Meeting Dates and Times

    The Board meets the second Tuesday of the month  from 6:30pm - 7:15pm

    Volunteer Opportunities

    Please contact lincolnmetcoparentboard@gmail.com


Last Modified on December 7, 2022