Bus Expectations
Be on Time ...
- Morning-Do not chase bus. Go to last stop on am route
- Afternoon-Be to bus stop 10 mins before scheduled time
No Bus Tracking via Monitors
- Do not call monitors to track bus
Student reports symptoms during ride
- Monitor report to nurse upon arrival
Children with any illness MUST be picked up from the school within hour of receiving callCommunicate: E-mail to school administrative assistant to inform us of stop change prior to 12:30pm no later than date of pick up
BE SAFE: Listen to the bus driver and monitor
- Wear mask at all times while on bus
- Sit in assigned seat as you board bus
- Remain seated - do not climb over/under seats
- Keep your bag/any other items on seat and out aisle
- Keep your hands, arms, heads inside the bus and don’t throw anything or shout out the windows
- Avoid safety issues: choking and slipping on spills
- Allergies:
- Many food allergies make a person feel sick by eating that food.
- Some allergies are so serious that smelling or touching the food could cause a reaction
- Crumbs invite insects - we don’t want them on the bus!
- Greet driver and bus monitor
- Talk quietly - do not yell
- Use headphones when using a device with audio
- Do not use inappropriate or unkind words
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself
- Do not touch anyone else’s belongings
If rules are not followed…
- Bus conduct report
- Parent/Guardian notification
- Short-term suspension from the bus
- Loss of bus privileges
Last Modified on November 11, 2020