What is expected of Lincoln METCO parents?
Despite the distance to a participating community or other personal circumstances, METCO caregivers are expected to participate fully in their child’s total academic and social growth experiences. It is expected that caregivers will make themselves available to participate in all scheduled meetings, conferences, and as many events as possible at their child’s school. In the event that a child is required to be picked up, (i.e., in the case of sudden illness or school suspension), caregivers are expected to do so in a timely manner and according to protocol. Lastly, caregivers are required to provide transportation to and from school in the event of an emergency and attend scheduled Lincoln METCO parent meetings during the course of the academic year. Please see schedule and (host) below:
- January 21, 2021 (METCO)
- March 25, 2021 (MCC/PTO/E-Board)
Are there residency requirements for METCO students?
METCO students must reside in the Greater Boston area.
Are resident students denied space due to the placement of a METCO student? How many METCO students are there in districts? How many students are in METCO overall? Which grades does METCO service? Can I choose which district my child is enrolled in?
- Placement of METCO students is based on available seating in each school. Each district has determined a maximum seat allocation number. METCO students may be admitted at this maximum number, but METCO enrollment may also be decreased at the discretion of the districts to compensate for increases in resident student enrollment. Currently, Lincoln has 91 seats allocated for METCO students.
- METCO generally places students in grades K-12; however, decisions regarding grade level acceptance and placement are generally left to the discretion of the districts and can vary annually based on various factors including, but not limited to, individual class enrollment sizes. Lincoln METCO accepts students in grades K-2.
- At any given time, there are approximately 3,300 students participating in district METCO programs.
- Any Boston resident entering Kindergarten through 10th grade may apply to be enrolled in METCO using an online portal launched in 2019. Districts select students with completed applications every year by lottery, based on the number of slots available in each grade. No preference is given based on academic or athletic performance, personal relationships, or financial need.
- Caregivers are not given a choice of which community their child is chosen for; however, a parent can decline placement for any reason; however each family is given one opportunity for placement in the lottery process. If a family forfeits their placement, they will have to reapply the following year. Placement preference, may be given to siblings at the discretion of the district and available seating.
Is there a specific grade point average to qualify for METCO ? What if my child has special needs?
Schools in the participating METCO districts are public schools and do not have entrance requirements for resident students, then, by law, any student whose parent signs him/her up for METCO is eligible for placement. No child can be denied placement by any participating district for reasons of attendance, behavior, or special needs – except in the case where a student receiving services and accommodations through an IEP (Individual Education Plan) requires a placement that the district does not offer. Students with special education needs are eligible to participate in METCO if the accommodations and services needed by that student are offered in the participating district.
Who is in charge of transportation?
The Lincoln METCO Program contracts with METCO HQ to provide transportation services for Lincoln METCO students. Questions regarding transportation should be directed to the Lincoln METCO Director.
Is METCO for low-income families?
No. Family income is not a determining factor in applying for METCO. The widely assumed misconception that METCO students are from low-income families often stems from the stereotypical generalization that minority families who choose to live in inner city areas are poor. METCO families encompass a broad range of income levels and lifestyles.
How is METCO Funded?
The program is funded by a grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Funding must be approved annually by the legislature. The METCO program is not a Choice program. The students’ home districts do not transfer tuition funding for METCO participants.
Will my child be the only child of color in the classroom?
Since many METCO programs across the Commonwealth are relatively small in student numbers, and since the minority population in receiving districts is usually minimal, your child could be one of few students of color in the classroom. However, when accepting students into the Lincoln METCO program, the district ensures that two or more students are placed in a classroom.