Fall Sports
- Athletic Director - Scott Burke Phone: 781-259-9408 X1001
- email: sburke@lincnet.org
- Hanscom Principal - Erich Ledebuhr Phone: 781-274-7720 X7300
- email: ledebuhre@lincnet.org
- Administrative Assistant - Mary Gately Phone: 781-274-7720
- email: gatelym@lincnet.org
- Boys Soccer Coach - Caitlin Swanson
- email: swansonc@lincnet.org
- Girls Soccer Coach - Scott Dixson Phone: 781-274-7720 X7452
- email: dixsons@lincnet.org
- Cross Country Coach -Catherin Martus
- email: martusc@lincnet.org
Practice Days and Times - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 2:50-4:30
Hanscom Middle School
6 Ent Road Hanscom Air Force Base, MA 01731 __________________________________________________________________
Erich Ledebuhr - Principal (781) 274-7720/ FAX: (781) 274-7329
To: Hanscom Middle School Parents in Grades 6-8
From: Scott Burke, Lincoln Public Schools Athletic Director
Email: sburke@lincnet.org Phone: 781-259-9408 X1001
Re: Fall Athletics
I am writing to inform you about our Fall after-school Athletic opportunities for your child(ren). The Hanscom School Athletic program offers a Cross-Country team (Grades 5-8) and a Boys and Girls Soccer team (grades 6-8). The fall season runs from September 9th through October 24th. There are no Athletic games or practices during weekends. All practices will be held after school on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 2:50 to 4:30 & Friday from 2:50 to 4:00.
To enroll your child(ren) for one of our Fall teams, students can come to the Hanscom Middle School Cafeteria and signup during the first week of school. There will be an Athletics table set up with a sign-up list and all the information and necessary paperwork provided. There will also be a signup meeting on Wednesday Sept. 4th in the Middle School gymnasium after school.
Monday, September 9th is the first day of Practice for our Cross-Country team. There are no “Tryouts” for Cross Country, all participants are welcome.
Soccer Tryouts will be Monday, September 9th through Friday, September 13th excluding Wednesday from 2:50 to 4:30. Students must bring their own water bottle and snack. Please bring cleats and shin guards.
Kindly note that coming to tryouts and participating does not guarantee your child to a spot on the team that they sign up for. Regrettably, team sizes are limited to support safety and the supervision required for the season.
Under Massachusetts’s regulations for Physical Examinations of school children, no child may participate without the results of a physical exam on file in the school nurse’s office. All students must have had a physical within 13 months prior to the start of a season to participate in the Hanscom School Athletic program.
In order to tryout and participate in after school athletics, each student must have the following on file before tryouts begin.
- A signed Hanscom Athletic permission form.
- The results of a physical exam on file in the school nurse’s office.
- A signed Extracurricular Activities Medical Questionnaire.
4. A Parent and Student Head Injury Training Affidavit signed by a parent/guardian and student.
All sports forms must be turned in to the Coach of the team. Sports forms must be turned in prior to the first tryout/practice in a season to declare a student eligible for participation in any after-school sports offering.
Boys Soccer Coach – Caitlin Swanson – Please bring forms to Coach Dixson
Girls Soccer Coach – Scott Dixson
X-Country Coach – Catherine Martus
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at sburke@lincnet.org.
Scott Burke
Lincoln School District Athletic Director
email: sburke@lincnet.org
Work: 781-259-9408 X1001