• New Families

    Welcome to Hanscom K-8 School!

    As schools serving military families, we are aware that your "hail and farewells" can be both exciting and stressful. Our goal is to make the transition to a new school as smooth as possible for both you and your child.

    Parents may enroll new students at the Hanscom K-8 School office daily between 8 and 3. Birth Certificate or Passport, proof of housing, and proof of immunizations are required at the time of registration. Military orders are also required at the time of registration. Parents should bring previous school records, if available. Otherwise, you will be asked to provide the name and address of the child's last school and records will be obtained from them. Parents should inform the school at the time of registration if the child has an Individualized Education Plan or 504 Plan requiring special services.

    To enroll in the Hanscom Schools children must be residents in base housing or Temporary Living Facilitiy (TLF). The sponsor must be an active duty member of the military (Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines) or a full time permanent civilian employee of the Department of Defense (DoD). Members of the Reserve and National Guard must be assigned full-time active duty for 365 consecutive days to qualify. Active duty members of the Coast Guard are included in this category, however, Coast Guard civilians are not. The sponsor must be assigned and residing in permanent living quarters on the base or possess a "90-day" letter from housing indicating that they will be receiving housing within 90 school days.

    Hanscom K-8 School schedules a kindergarten registration each spring for children who will be eligible for Kindergarten the following year. Children must be 5 years old by September 30 of that school year.

    Registration is ongoing throughout the school year when school is in session. Summer registration dates will be listed on our web site, published in the Hansconian, displayed on the electronic sign and posted at the front of the school.

    It is always helpful if you let us know ahead of time about your arrival and plans to register. Please feel free to call or e-mail our school secretaries with your information including name(s), grade(s), contact phone numbers, e-mail, special needs and anticipated arrival dates. Once you come in to register we'll schedule a time for assessment and a start date.

    We look forward to welcoming you and your child to the Hanscom Schools. If you have further questions, don't hesitate to be in touch.

    Erich Ledebuhr
    K-8 Principal
    Erin Burke
    K-4 Assistant Principal
    Scott Dixson
    5-8 Assistant Principal


Last Modified on February 8, 2024