• Online Software Services

    Teachers in the Lincoln Public Schools utilize several software services and web-based applications, operated not by the district but by third parties, in order to provide the most effective software tools and educational opportunities to students. All third-party software services that use individual student accounts are reviewed by the District for educational appropriateness, compliance with District policies, and appropriate protection of student privacy. A complete list of these third-party software services and which grades they are used at, including links to terms of service and privacy policies, is maintained below.
    In order for students to use the third-party software services listed below, parents must sign and return the Student Use of Third-Party Software form located in the Student & Parent Handbook. If teachers identify additional services that they will use during the school year, they will obtain parental consent for those services during the school year.
    The Lincoln Public Schools is a member of the Massachusetts Student Data Privacy Consortium.  This organization brings together districts that put a high value on student privacy and builds collective strength when negotiating agreements with software vendors. It also gives us access to the consortium's legal expertise and analysis. The software list below includes software vetted and/or covered by data processing agreements reached both locally and through the consortium.
Online Software Services 2024-2025 
Select a Campus and a Grade Level, then click"Submit".


Software Service Description

Grades Used

Last Modified on August 25, 2024