• Virtual High School

    The VHS Collaborative is a non-profit organization that offers content-rich, high school level courses to students across the country and around the world. Through Virtual High School, Lincoln Public Schools is able to increase the course offerings available to our students. Virtual High School courses tend to be challenging, and are targeted toward students who are motivated and ready to take on this extra challenge. Most VHS courses run for one semester rather than the entire school year. Students register in June for the Fall Semester; and in December for the Spring Semester. 

    7th graders may take a course in the Spring Semester (only). 8th graders may take a course in the Fall or Spring Semester.

    These courses are generally rigorous and demand from 3 to 5 hours of weekly work from students which they complete on their own time, nights and weekends. VHS work is in addition to their regular Lincoln School course load. They do not replace courses offered by LPS teachers. Students who successfully complete a VHS online course tend to possess the following skills or characteristics:

    • Highly self-motivated
    • Excellent managers of their time
    • Able to work independently
    • Complete assignments on time
    • Able to express themselves in writing
    • Proficient in word processing
    • Proficient in navigating the Web
    The current course catalogue can be found on the VHS website: http://thevhscollaborative.org/catalog. Select the "More Options" button, then select either 7th or 8th grade, and the desired semester. For more information, contact your school's VHS site coordinator.

    Lincoln School
    Mark McDonough
    Tech Integration Specialist
    781.259.9404 ext. 2126
    Hanscom Middle School
    Monica Albuixech
    Tech Integration Specialist
    781.274.7720 ext. 7462
Last Modified on February 2, 2024