World Book Online
Use this fabulous resource for information about people, places, science and more! Click the World Book Web icon below to access this informative resource. Please contact the HPS library for username and password for the Lincoln Public Schools.
Students may explore the three different World Book databases:
World Book Kids
World Book Student Edition
World Book Advanced
Gale In Context: Elementary (Formerly Kids Infobits)
Gale In Context: Elementary is a database developed especially for beginning researchers in Kindergarten through Grade 5. Featuring developmentally appropriate, visually graphic interface, the most popular search method is moving from a broad subject to a narrower topic using the subject-based topic tree. The curriculum-related, age appropriate, full-text content is from the best elementary reference sources and magazines. This database covers geography, current events, the arts, science, health, people,government, history, sports and more.Additional databases available through the Hanscom Middle SchoolHMS Library DatabasesThese databases can be used at school or at home.For information on home access, please contact the HPS or HMS library.- Biography in Context: Information on the lives of athletes, world leaders, explorers and people in the news.
- Britannica Online: Comprehensive encyclopedia with separate editions for students in pre-K through high school.
- CultureGrams: Detailed cultural information database divided into World, Kids, States, and Provinces.
- Global Road Warrior: Information about countries around the world
- The Boston Globe
- The New York Times
Last Modified on June 4, 2020