• Facilities Rental

    Lincoln Public Schools Facilities Rental Information


    Fee Schedule for Use of School Facilities for the period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024:

    Service Fees.

    1. For functions, a custodian must be present to safeguard school property and to clean the facilities used.  Charges for custodial service are incurred when the use of buildings and facilities require custodians to work overtime, or when additional costs are incurred as determined by the Administrator for Business and Finance.  Custodial charges will be $45/per hour for Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023, and $46/per hour for Fiscal Year 2024.
    1. On school days, a charge is incurred if the use and/or clean up time extends beyond the normal duty hours of custodians or if the event prevents the custodial staff from completing regular duties. If previous arrangements have not been made to work overtime and a custodian is required to work beyond his/her normal hours, he/she will be paid a minimum four (4) hours overtime.
    2. On weekends and holidays, charges begin when the building is opened and includes a reasonable period for set up before and clean up after the function is over and everyone has left the building. There is a four (4) hour minimum overtime charge when services are required on weekends and/or holidays.
    3. On weekends and holidays, the custodian will be compensated for the full number of hours agreed to at the time reservations are made, as indicated on the building use form. If events continue longer than originally scheduled, charges will be added for additional custodial time as well as rental fees.  No adjustments will be made for cancellations or reduced hours.
    4. Cafeteria Workers. Kitchen facilities may require an additional food service personnel fee to be determined by the Administrator for Business and Finance.
    5. A-V Technician. An Audio-Visual Technician will be required if the Auditorium lights or sound system will be used, or if display equipment including computers, projectors, etc. is needed.  The fee for A-V Technician service is $50 per hour for Groups A and B, and $67 per hour for Groups C and D.  All charges will include one (1) hour for set-up before and break-down afterwards, in addition to a two (2) hour event minimum.

    Rental Fees.

    1. Rental fees are in addition to service fees. Rental and service fees may be waived by the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.  Groups or individuals who seek to have rental fees waived must submit a request in writing to the Superintendent of Schools, explaining why the waiver should be granted. 
    2. All room rates are hourly with a two (2) hour minimum.
    3. The School Department reserves the right to request a 50% deposit on all rentals, to be received prior to the scheduled event. The deposit will be deducted from the total fee.

     ­All room rates are hourly with a two (2) hour minimum.



    Group A

    Lincoln Community Non-Profit

    Group B

    Lincoln Community


    Group C



    Group D








    Learning Commons










    Classroom in Pods A&B





    Kitchen Facilities





    Dining Commons








    Not available

    Not available


    Application for Use of a School Building

    Applications are available at the top of this page, in the in all school offices, the business office,  located on the second floor in the Hartwell Building, and and the recreation department, located in A Pod. Once the application is completed it is forwarded to the building principal, and/or the recreation department and the Facilities Department for approval.

    Jessica Downing in the Town of Lincoln Parks & Recreation Department is the contact person for all gym rentals and Pods A, B, and C.  Jessica can be reached by phone at 781-259-0784 or e-mail at jdowning@lincnet.org.

    Amy Pearson, Executive Administrative Assistant, 781-259-9409, apearson@lincnet.org, coordinates all use of the Multipurpose Room in the Hartwell Building.

    If you wish to rent the Donaldson Auditorium in the Lincoln School, please contact Jennifer Doherty in the Brooks office at 781-259-9408.
    Kitchen Facility Rentals
    An application for temporary food service establishments (Form G) from the Concord Board of Health (which also serves the Town of Lincoln) must be obtained. You may download and print the application by clicking here.
    Further information:

    Please refer to the Policies of the School Committee regarding the Use of School Buildings for further information or contact Kerry Parrella, kparrella@lincnet.org





Last Modified on November 12, 2021