The meeting was called to order by Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, at 7:06 p.m.
Members present included Ashton Peery, Vice Chair; Jan Nyquist, Julie Dobrow, Dennis Picker, Members; Laura Koning ,Hanscom Representative; David Birney, temporary Hanscom Representative; and Sherice Horton, METCO Representative.
Also present were Michael Brandmeyer, Superintendent; Paul Naso, Assistant Superintendent; and Dave Jack, Business Administrator.
Members absent: Ron Deak, Hanscom Representative.
Sue Hollingsworth welcomed David Birney, a Hanscom parent who is sitting in temporarily as a Hanscom Representative to the School Committee.
Mr. Brandmeyer also welcomed Mr. Birney to the School Committee.
The Superintendent reported that with all the rain last week, we discovered 28 roof leaks at the Lincoln School and a ‘gusher’ at one of the Hanscom schools. The leaks are all being repaired this week. Mr. Brandmeyer also reported that tonight a pipe broke in the Brooks building, causing flooding in the auditorium. The Fire Department arrived and maintenance personnel were called back in to work on the problem.
Susan Harding sent a letter to the School Committee requesting permission to videotape School Committee meetings for cablecast on the local station. Susan has coordinated taping of the Selectmen’s meetings for the past eight years.
Harriet Todd made a presentation to the Committee stating that the videotaping is done on a volunteer basis and the PTA has six to eight volunteers who are willing to tape the meetings. Members of the Committee think it is a great idea. Julie Dobrow questioned the cost of the tapes, and who would provide them. Some discussion ensued around the meeting tapes being edited by the local station. Members felt that the meetings should be shown in their entirety, not edited. Laura Koning requested that the videotapes of the meetings be aired at Hanscom on their public access channel. The School Committee agreed to cooperate with the taping effort as long as it involved no cost to the schools.
As a result of the forum in November, the School Committee recognized that even though forum participants expressed significant support for the program, other opinions may not have been heard, and only a small number of the towns’ parents and voters attended.
Information regarding the warrant/ballot process has been provided by Tim Higgins, Town Administrator.
Ms. Dobrow shared with the Committee the METCO Forum Summaries which were broken down into the following groups:
Ms. Dobrow suggested to the Committee that they focus on the following recommendations that came from the breakout groups, particularly:
Julie Dobrow and Dennis Picker prepared a proposal for a warrant article and ballot initiative.
Discussion ensued among Committee members regarding the language of the draft ballot initiative being considered for submission to the Town. More discussion followed about the ballot initiative as part of the Committee’s process of collecting data points on which to base its ongoing consideration of METCO.
Dennis Picker moved that the School Committee sponsor a non-binding initiative as worded, with one amendment to add one more choice to the option of answers. Julie Dobrow seconded. Ms. Dobrow commented that public opinion vote does not automatically translate into an action. Ashton Peery offered a revised draft of the initiative under consideration. The Committee thanked Paul Naso for his assistance in typing copies of the draft for them to read as they were working on the language.
Sherice Horton, METCO Representative voiced her anger and displeasure with regard to the discussion at hand and excused herself from the meeting.
More discussion ensued with input from community members in attendance. Ms. Dobrow suggested that the School Committee hold one of its meetings in Boston prior to the Town vote on the non-binding referendum.
Dennis Picker moved to adopt the revised draft of the non-binding referendum which reads:
The Lincoln School Committee is committed to the core value of educating our children to live in a diverse world. Currently the METCO program is a fundamental means for delivering this education in our schools. As the School Committee continues to evaluate METCO along with all of our educational programs, we would like to gain a better understanding of the town’s support for METCO. The School Committee will use this input as one of many factors as it continues to evaluate the educational program. As such, we would like to ask….
Are you:
Ashton Peery seconded. Approved 4-0. Ashton Peery abstained. Hanscom Representatives abstained. The School Committee tabled the discussion of the proposed METCO related warrant article until the January 8, 2004 meeting.
Mr. Brandmeyer presented the following proposal of items for consideration as on override request:
Classroom Assistants $38,800
Professional Development funds $10,000
Additional bus $43,000
Art Teacher (80% FTE) $40,000
School Committee members discussed the idea of taking the bus out of the list and lowering the amount requested. After some discussion and a presentation from Dave Jack regarding the projected kindergarten enrollment for ’05, Mr. Jack stated that he feels the bus is a warranted request, not a luxury.
Ashton Peery moved to vote for the recommended budget presented by the Superintendent. Dennis Picker seconded. Mr. Brandmeyer stated that no vote is needed until the January 15th School Committee meeting. Ashton Peery withdrew his motion.
Mr. Peery suggested the Committee review and adjust the Superintendents’ goals since the goals that were set for him don’t address the day to day operations of the schools, which take the majority of his time and the Committee has placed too much on his plate.
Dennis Picker proposed looking at the Superintendent’s goals and progress as an agenda item on the January 29th School Committee meeting. The Committee could evaluate against these goals at the two meetings in March and establish next school years’ goals in May or June.
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown