The meeting was called to order by Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, at 7:00 p.m.
Members present included Ashton Peery, Vice Chair; Jan Nyquist, Julie Dobrow, Dennis Picker, Members;
Laura Koning and Ron Deak, Hanscom Representatives.
Also present were Michael Brandmeyer, Superintendent; Paul Naso, Assistant Superintendent; and Dave Jack,
Business Administrator.
Members absent: Sherice Horton, METCO Representative
Sue Hollingsworth introduced and welcomed Laura Koning, the newest School Committee representative from Hanscom. Ms. Koning is a parent who has children in both the Hanscom Primary and Hanscom Middle schools.
Mr. Brandmeyer briefed the School Committee on the proposal for the Phase 2 Reductions for the Lincoln and Hanscom District.
The Superintendent also reviewed the anticipated revenue projections from the reimbursements through the Special Education Circuit Breaker Program.
Randy Davis, Principal at Hanscom Primary School, presented the Phase 2 reductions for both the primary and middle school. The areas in which further reductions were assigned are: Library Software at HPS, Insurance Premiums, Additional Grade 5 Section at HMS, and .25 Facilities Personnel.
School Committee members asked about the Grade 5 section cut and had some concerns regarding class size at this grade level next year at Hanscom. Mr. Brandmeyer stated that after multiple discussions the decision was made to make this cut now; but if it was later determined that this section was needed it would be placed back in the FY05 budget. Ron Deak, Hanscom Representative, stated that the Privatization Program is eminent and that there will be swings in enrollment at Hanscom. Mr. Deak is scheduled to meet with the Town Selectmen in January to brief them on the status of the Housing Privatization Program.
Dennis Picker asked Mr. Brandmeyer and Mr. Jack for a breakdown of the initial $134, 000 cuts from Hanscom and asked how much of this money was in administrative cuts. Jan Nyquist asked about the Kindergarten Grant monies expected for next year. Mr. Brandmeyer is not assuming that the district will receive them. Randy Davis stated that any monies received from the Kindergarten Grant will be used to enrich the kindergarten program.
Jerry Schultz, Principal at Lincoln, presented the Phase 2 reductions for Lincoln. Further reductions were assigned in the following areas: 1.0 Art Teacher, Art Consumables, reduction of three extra in-service days for Instructional Assistants and two fewer days for Tutors, reduction in Guided Reading Book Room Leveled-Readers Budget, and the Staff Development Budget.
Julie Dobrow asked Mr. Schultz to speak about the $57,000 cut in Phase 1 in the Instructional Assistants hours. Mr. Schultz stated this is the equivalent of five full assistants and that these were tough decision to make. Ms. Dobrow stated that it’s important for impact statements to be made for any future override. Jan Nyquist shared her concern in the cut in hours of the Instructional Assistants. She proposed making cuts in the EMI membership, School Committee dues, Transportation and Community Services budget lines to find monies to fund the Instructional Assistants.
Dennis Picker proposed increasing the bus fee by $25 to $50 per child to increase revenue. More discussion ensued regarding which pieces of the budget cuts should show up on an override request when the base budget is presented to the Finance Committee.
Robert Steinbrook from the Finance Committee was in attendance and stated that the Finance Committee is not anticipating an initial override proposal from any departments at the December 11th meeting.
Judy Glassman, Assistant Principal at Lincoln, commented that the cuts that were made in the Lincoln budget for FY05 represent the least negative impact on students and learning.
Mr. Jack reviewed the following approved warrant proposals: Classroom Rehab, Technology, Lighting and HVAC. Some discussion ensued around the monies listed in the technology warrant. Mr. Picker suggested that in the future some of these items should appear in the operating budget. Mr. Brandmeyer thanked Jan Nyquist and Dave Jack for the time and effort they spent working on the warrants.
Mr. Brandmeyer reviewed the policies that have been discussed, revised or developed by the School Committee as of December 1, 2003. These policies are:
Policies that still need to be revised were discussed and prioritized for future School Committee agenda items. They are as follows:
Other Policies that the School Committee has discussed:
Members of the School Committee discussed the idea of a sub-committee working on the language for a Warrant or Ballot Initiative relating to the METCO program. This will be discussed and voted on at a future School Committee meeting. If approved, the warrant or ballot initiative will be submitted to the Board of Selectmen prior to the January 26th deadline.
Sue Hollingsworth moved to adjourn the meeting. Ashton Peery seconded.
Approved 5-0.
Hanscom Representatives concurred.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown