Lincoln School Committee
Minutes of December 1, 2003
Hartwell Building, Lincoln MA

  1. Greetings and Call to Order

    The meeting was called to order by Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, at 7:00 p.m.
    Members present included Ashton Peery, Vice Chair; Jan Nyquist, Julie Dobrow, Dennis Picker, Members; Laura Koning and Ron Deak, Hanscom Representatives.
    Also present were Michael Brandmeyer, Superintendent; Paul Naso, Assistant Superintendent; and Dave Jack, Business Administrator.
    Members absent: Sherice Horton, METCO Representative

  2. FY05 Budget Discussion

  3. Policy Update

    Mr. Brandmeyer reviewed the policies that have been discussed, revised or developed by the School Committee as of December 1, 2003. These policies are:

    Policies that still need to be revised were discussed and prioritized for future School Committee agenda items. They are as follows:

    Other Policies that the School Committee has discussed:

  4. Old Business

    Members of the School Committee discussed the idea of a sub-committee working on the language for a Warrant or Ballot Initiative relating to the METCO program. This will be discussed and voted on at a future School Committee meeting. If approved, the warrant or ballot initiative will be submitted to the Board of Selectmen prior to the January 26th deadline.

  5. Adjournment

    Sue Hollingsworth moved to adjourn the meeting. Ashton Peery seconded. Approved 5-0.
    Hanscom Representatives concurred.

    The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted by
    Stephanie Brown