Lincoln School Committee
Minutes of November 20, 2003
Hartwell Building, Lincoln MA

  1. Greetings and Call to Order

    The meeting was called to order by Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, at 7:00 p.m.
    Members present included Ashton Peery, Vice Chair; Jan Nyquist, Julie Dobrow, and Dennis Picker.
    Also present were Michael Brandmeyer, Superintendent; Paul Naso, Assistant Superintendent; and Dave Jack, Business Administrator.
    Members absent: Ron Deak, Hanscom Representative; and Sherice Horton, METCO Representative.

  2. Chairperson’s and Members’ report

    No report

  3. Superintendent’s Report

    No report

  4. Public Comments

    Sue Hollingsworth opened the floor for public comments regarding the Superintendent’s decision not to renew Mr. Schultz’s contract as principal of the Lincoln School. Thirty minutes was set aside on the agenda and participants were asked to keep their statements brief.

    Mr. Brandmeyer opened by stating that he is not at liberty to give details about the non renewal of Mr. Schultz’s contract but he could outline the process that took place by providing the seven dates and topic of meetings he held with Mr. Schultz since October of 2002.

    Several parents, teachers, and administrators addressed the School Committee on this subject, expressing support and opposition to the non-renewal of Mr. Schultz’s contract.

  5. Time Scheduled Appointments

    1. Update on Pip Moss Tribute for Spring 2004

      A member of the committee working on a tribute for Mr. Moss’s retirement reported briefly to the School Committee plans for the tribute that is taking place on May 22, 2004. The Committee is being asked for permission for an undetermined gift to be donated on behalf of Mr. Moss.

      Julie Dobrow moved to accept the gift. Ashton Peery seconded. Approved 5-0.

    2. Lincoln School Fall Athletics: Program and Financial Report

      At the suggestion of the Superintendent, this report was tabled until the December 4, 2003 School Committee meeting.

    3. Field Trip Proposal: Lincoln Gr. 7 to Sargent Camp

      Ms. Judith Glassman and Ms. Terri Nathanson presented a proposal for the Lincoln School’s grade 7 overnight field trip to Sargent Camp January 20 -23, 2004. A brief discussion ensued regarding scholarship monies for students in need. Ashton Peery moved to approve the proposal for the grade 7 overnight filed trip to Sargent Camp. Jan Nyquist seconded. Approved 5-0

    4. Report on Lincoln School 8:00 AM Opening

      Because Mr. Schultz was not in attendance, the report was deferred until the December 4, 2003 School Committee meeting.

    5. FY05 Budget Discussion
      Phase 1 Reductions

      Mr. Brandmeyer stated that the State Legislation approved reimbursements up to 35% from the Circuit Breaker Law, an increase from previous estimates. More information as to how much our district will receive will be available after December 1st.

      The initial FY05 Budget Proposal presented to the School Committee on October 23rd, 2003 was a needs based budget. The Lincoln Finance Committee requested that all budgeting agencies prepare a base budget proposal with a 0% increase over FY04. Since the initial budget proposals for Lincoln was $413,000 over the FY04 amount of $7, 764,324, and the Hanscom budget proposal was $396,000 over the contract amount of $8,776,579, the administration decided to consider proposed reductions in a two phase process.

      Phase 1 reductions in the areas of Building and Grounds, Transportation and Contracted Service efficiencies, Collaborative Assessment and Transportation adjustments, Special Education Teacher and Tutor positions, Athletic stipends and instructional assistants’ hours due to program reduction were all reviewed and discussed.

    6. Follow-up Discussion on METCO Forum

      Mr. Brandmeyer thanked the organizations that sponsored the METCO informational session on Thursday, November 13th and the METCO Forum on Saturday, November 15th. The role of the School Committee was to listen to the community’s comments as one source of information about Lincoln’s commitment to METCO.

      Julie Dobrow thanked the PTA, League of Women Voters, the METCO Coordinating Committee, Nancy Marshall and the Girl Scouts for the refreshments, Lincoln Sudbury for the assistance with audio equipment and Cheryl Hirshman for video taping both events. Ms. Dobrow expressed the following points regarding information gained from these first discussions:

      • It’s important to take further action and allow more opportunities for people to be heard
      • We should invite public participation through written comments
      • It’s important for School Committee to go further in establishing the cost of METCO by applying the Task Force model but come out with our own analysis and make it available to the public.
      • We should formally access the benefit of the METCO program to the Lincoln children.
      • We should partner with other organizations to seek outside funding to defray costs of the program.
      • We need to make efforts to strengthen lobbying efforts by joining other School Committees in districts who support the METCO program.

      Mr. Picker clarified to the community that the headlines and articles pertaining to the METCO Forum that appeared in the Boston Globe were distorted and inaccurate. He stated that the articles misrepresented the intent of the Forum.

      Contrary to the headlines in the Boston Globe, the School Committee does not feel the forums gave them conclusive evidence about the entire Town’s support of the METCO Program. The School Committee recognized that comments made at the forums represent only some of the Town’s feelings about the program.

      Mr. Picker suggested that perhaps the School Committee could draft a response to the community to address the cost of the various elements of the complete educational program, to put METCO costs in context.

      Several members from the audience felt the only way to figure out the commitment of the community towards the METCO program was to bring the issue to a ballot vote again. Ashton Peery asked what would happen if there were competing warrants to the same topic. Dennis Picker answered that the School Committee has an opportunity to negotiate for a common warrant.

      After some discussion and input from the audience regarding increased funding at the state level, Julie Dobrow proposed that the School Committee draft a letter to the State Board of Education urging full funding of the METCO program.

      Sue Hollingsworth moved to have the School Committee draft the letter to the State Board of Education. Julie Dobrow seconded. Approved 5-0.

      The Superintendent will forward the same letter to all METCO Superintendents, urging them to bring this issue to their School Committee and join the Lincoln School Committee in this advocacy effort.

  6. Curriculum

    No discussion

  7. Policy

    No discussion

  8. Budget and Financial

    No discussion

  9. Old Business

    Jan Nyquist, School Committee liaison to the Capital Planning Committee, reports that the Capital Planning Committee approved $197,000 in warrants for the school department in the following areas:

    Technology $50,000
    HVAC $50,000
    Classroom Rehab $45,000
    Pods $33,000
    Lighting $19,000

    Ms. Nyquist mentioned that a memo will be going out from the Planning Committee instructing agencies to develop plans with goals outlined for any future requests for capital monies, particularly in the areas of technology, classroom rehab cycles and building plans for all systems.

    Mr. Brandmeyer thanked Jan Nyquist for serving on the Capital Planning Committee and Mr. Jack for his time assisting Ms. Nyquist with this work.

  10. New Business
    1. Accept Gift to Lincoln Instrumental Music Program

      Sue Hollingsworth moved to accept a $900 donation for the Lincoln Instrumental Music Program from a Lincoln family. Jan Nyquist seconded.
      Approved 5-0.

  11. Approval of Minutes

    Ashton Peery moved to approve the amended minutes of October 30, 2003. Jan Nyquist seconded.
    Approved 5-0.

  12. Information Enclosures


  13. Adjournment

    Ashton Peery moved to adjourn the meeting. Dennis Picker seconded.
    Approved 5-0.

    The meeting adjourned at 10:28 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted by
    Stephanie Brown