Ron Deak, Hanscom Representative, stated that Hanscom Air Force Base has an awards ceremony every quarter. They recently included an outstanding teacher award to their ceremony. Barbara Moynihan, PE Teacher from the Hanscom Campus, was recognized at the most recent Quarterly Awards Breakfast. Congratulations Barbara!
Julie Dobrow updated the Committee on the METCO Steering Committee Information Night on Thursday, November 13th and the METCO Forum on Saturday, November 15th. Two facilitators will be on hand at both sessions. Julie wanted to thank the administration and teachers for all the information they brought forward and posted on the web site and around Town.
Jan Nyquist stated that the METCO Steering Committee used the Task Force Financial Model to speak to the community around financial questions at the Forum.
Members of the School Committee discussed the role of the School Committee at the Forum and discussed the statement that will be publicly read by a Committee member prior to both the informational and Forum meetings.
Mr. Naso spoke to the task of setting priorities for the next three months and looking at what curriculum themes the staff will need to work on for Institute Day next year.
Mr. Naso wondered if Mr. Collins could be part of a presentation at the end of the day, to speak to teachers.
Sherice Horton, METCO Representative, left the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
RonDeak, Hanscom Representative, left at 9:00 p.m.
Mathematics Curriculum Specialist Kathy O’Connell assisted in the interpretation of the Lincoln School fourth, sixth and eighth grade mathematics test results.
Mr. Naso outlined possible next steps to take to address the areas that appeared as Needs Improvement or as a Warning on the 2003 Level Comparisons.
These ideas were:
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown