Jan Nyquist expressed her excitement that her children are taking music lessons as part of the school’s music curriculum for grades 5 and 6.
The Superintendent welcomed Karen Lewis, the new school nurse at the Lincoln Campus.
Mr. Brandmeyer announced that October 10, 2003 is Institute Day. All faculty system- wide will be working on curriculum, program development and evaluation. Students will not have school on Friday. The Superintendent complimented Paul Naso for his extensive work and planning for this event.
Mr. Brandmeyer reported that he taught two science classes at the Lincoln School today. He auctioned off a half personal day and lunch for a teacher as part of the LTA Auction last year. Specialist teacher, Terry Green, purchased this ‘gift’ at the auction.
The Superintendent read excerpts from Lynn Wish’s very creative e-mail report of the softball game between Lincoln and Hanscom teachers and staff last week.
Dave Jack gave a brief update on the cost of the clean up and abatement process. Insurance will cover most of the cost of the Lincoln campus. The Hanscom campus clean up costs will be covered by monies left over from Hanscom’s FY03 budget.
Mr. Brandmeyer asked the Committee for their support in compensating the teachers for time they will be spending putting their classrooms back in order once they are allowed to occupy them once again.
Dennis Picker moved to authorize the Superintendent, at his discretion, to award displaced teachers one day’s pay at their per diem rate to set up their classrooms. Julie Dobrow seconded. Approved 4-0. Hanscom Representative concurred.
Julie Dobrow reported the dates for the METCO Forum Information Session and Discussion Session sponsored by the METCO Steering Committee. The Information Session will be held on November 13, 2003 from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m.; A panel will be presenting a balanced view covering three topic areas: Cost, Educational Outcomes /Value, and Diversity.
The Discussion Session on Saturday, November 15th will begin at 9:30 a.m.
The Steering Committee is currently interviewing candidates to moderate this discussion and to field questions that come up during the session.
Members of the Committee asked the Superintendent to address this issue in his letter to the Board of Selectmen in preparation for the State of the Town Meeting on November 1, 2003.
Mr. Brandmeyer asked members of the School Committee to be part of the presentation team to deliver the School Department’s issues at the November 1st meeting. Sue Hollingsworth requested that the Superintendent also add public safety issues regarding transportation to the above mentioned letter to the Board of Selectmen.
Jan Nyquist moved to approve the meeting date changes. Dennis Picker seconded. Approved 5-0.
The School Committee meeting on November 6th will be held in Boston.
The Superintendent reports that Kevin Mooney, Police Chief, hired a special crossing guard for a month, as there was a near accident at the crosswalk at Town Hall.
Mr. Brandmeyer asked the Committee if they are willing to co-fund the crossing guard position with the police department. After some discussion about other crosswalks also warranting a guard, it was decided to address the safety issues at the State of the Town meeting.
Jan Nyquist reported that Sonja Wolfsberg has asked for a leave of her duties as School Committee appointee to the Board the DeCordova Museum, due to her father’s illness. Jan said she will be happy to take on Sonja’s duties while she is away.
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown