The Superintendent asked Dave Jack for an update on transportation.
Mr. Jack gave a brief report on the history of number of buses we had three years ago, which was 8, and the reality of what we are working with today: 6.5.
Mr. Jack gave an overview of the capacity of each bus and the eligible and non- eligible ridership numbers.
Members of the Committee asked if they could see some ongoing current data of actual ridership over the next several weeks.
Mr. Peery requested that the letter that goes home next year in the spring clearly states that the district cannot guarantee bus seats for students unless the district is required by state law to transport them.
Julie Dobrow mentioned that students� safety getting to school is not only a school issue but also a Town issue because it is the Town which builds sidewalks and provides crossing guards.
Jan Nyquist offered to talk to Town Planning members and the Selectmen�s office on behalf of the Committee.
Dave thanked Stephanie Brown for her work over the last several months on transportation. Stephanie thanked her husband, Norman Brown, for all his assistance with the computer program database he created.
Melinda came before the Committee and thanked them for the opportunity to serve for the past six years. She then announced that she is withdrawing her request at this time.
Sue Hollingsworth thanked Melinda for her long tenure in service. Dennis Picker moved to thank Melinda for her dedication and time as the Trustee to the Library Board. Julie Dobrow seconded. Approved 5-0.
Marshall Clemens came forward to be considered for the position of Trustee. After a brief interview process, Ashton Peery moved to appoint Marshall as the Trustee to the Board of Directors of the Lincoln Library. Dennis Picker seconded.
Approved 5-0.
Sue Hollingsworth moved to accept the proposal for the 6th graders at both campuses to attend the Ferry Point Ecology School on November 12-14, 2003. Jan Nyquist seconded. Approved 5-0.
Members of the Committee congratulated the team for a successful summer experience for the children.
The proposal is submitted on behalf of the Lincoln Recreation Department with support from the Lincoln School Committee. The proposal is for a ropes course and climbing facility for fee-based recreational programs and for use in the curriculum of the Lincoln Schools.
Ashton Peery moved that the School Committee accept the proposal to support the Recreation Department. Sue Hollingsworth seconded. Approved 5-0.
Julie Dobrow asked for an update on the mold problem. Mr. Brandmeyer gave a brief update on the status of the abatement work with the contractors. Julie offered to send an e-mail to the faculty for all their cooperation and fortitude during this waiting period.
Paul Naso stated that the form of communication liked best by parents in his last district was a List Serve that they could access by e-mail.
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown