Minutes of the
Lincoln School Committee Meeting
Tuesday, June 14, 2004

PRESENT:Dennis Picker; Ashton Peery: Julie Dobrow, Jan Nyquist, Sandy Hessler; David Birney and Laura Koning, Hanscom Representatives.
Also present: Mickey Brandmeyer, Superintendent; Paul Naso, Assistant Superintendent; and Dave Jack, Business Administrator.
ABSENT: none
  1. Greetings and Call to Order
    Dennis Picker called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.


  2. Chairperson�s and Members� report
    Ms. Dobrow mentioned the annual METCO celebration was held recently in Boston. She was pleased with great staff turnout and expressed appreciation for the wonderful event.

    Mr. Picker reported that he had received a letter from the Board of Selectmen with details and dates pertaining to the State of the Town meeting.

  3. Public Comments
    There were no public comments.

  4. Time Scheduled Appointments
    1. Preliminary Proposal for Field Trip to France and Spain
      Lincoln School language teacher Dianne Romano was present to introduce a travel opportunity to Spain and France during school vacation in February of 2005. Mr. Brandmeyer explained that she was not presenting a formal proposal at this time. He asked her to provide the general overview to get a sense of where the School Committee might stand on this type of proposal.

      Ms. Romano, speaking on behalf of herself and Karena Hansen, offered a summary of the arrangements, fees and tour options, as well as details regarding supervision.

      Ms. Dobrow expressed concern about the high cost at a time when the School Committee has attempted to reduce fees and inquired about whether there would be any provision for financial assistance. Ms. Nyquist added that, given the lack of financial assistance and the contractual obligation to compensate teachers for such trips, she would be uncomfortable with School Committee sponsorship.

      There was additional discussion about concerns if both campuses did not have this opportunity and whether the district wishes to permit Ms. Romano and Ms. Hansen to proceed with arrangements but without School Committee sponsorship.

      Discussion continued among School Committee members and audience members about alternatives to School Committee sponsorship. It was observed that the trip, as described, would present several issues that would require waiving the district�s policy regarding overnight field trips.

    2. Lincoln school Foundation Grant Awards
      Nancy Fleming and Sandy Storer informed the Committee that three grant proposals arrived late, and the Foundation has chosen to treat these proposals as late, rather than out-of-cycle, grants. The proposals have been approved by LSF after consultation with Paul Naso. They include a proposal for cross campus work on literacy centers for primary classrooms; funding for additional purchases for the Lincoln School Book Room; and start-up funds for the Lincoln School instrumental and ensemble program.

      Mr. Peery moved that the Committee accept the LSF grants for these three projects. Mr. Picker seconded the motion. Mr. Picker also expressed appreciation to the Lincoln School Foundation for their continued support. The Committee voted unanimously to accept the motion.

    3. Middle School Study Continued---Report and Discussion
      Mr. Picker provided context for this report and discussion. He stated that this report should be viewed as one set of information that would be used to guide middle school program improvements. The School Committee will not be directly involved in the formulation of plans for specific changes in the middle school, but the Committee has signaled its interest in this area by adopting a District goal that calls for middle school improvement plans to be developed.

      The School Committee expressed its interest in hearing the report and listening to public comments about it. The Committee will not be defining specific next steps at this meeting.

      Mr. Brandmeyer welcomed the task force comprised of ten parents and teachers who looked at the data from the Middle School survey of spring 2003. The task force analyzed the data and formulated key questions related to the themes. He anticipated that another committee would be formed to take this work to the next steps.

      Judy Glassman introduced the task force members and offered a summary of how the task force conducted its work over a seven week period. Generally, speaking, they worked in dyads to look at different sections of data, brought those impressions back to the general group for discussion, and then dyads met again to formulate the key questions.

      Each pair then reported on their area of focus and explained the key questions that emerged from their analysis.

      As the report continued there were several questions about the meaning of the survey data and concerns that some types of responses were not disaggregated.

      Mr. Brandmeyer reminded everyone that the task was not to do a statistical analysis, but to discern the tone of comments and interpret what people were saying in their survey responses.

      Ms. Dobrow thanked the task force and commended them for effectively condensing the data and for asking good questions. She observed that she noticed in the data a sense among parents that they do not feel welcome in the school but she does not see the depth of that feeling about this particular point in the task force comments and questions.

      Mr. Peery thanked everyone for their tremendous effort. He said that he knew many positive actions have already been generated. His reading of the data suggests a need to set higher standards and strive to have 80% of survey responses in the positive category. He also concluded from data in the section pertaining to �Curriculum and Instruction� that more exploration is needed about Health, school culture, Science instruction, celebration of achievement, and differentiation of instruction.

      Laurie Manos suggested that in the next phase closer attention be given to survey responses that show a lack of student interest in assignments. Eighth grade teacher Julie Reynolds expressed a hope that in the next step of the process it will be possible to bring more teacher data into the discussion. Ann Rothenberg observed that at this time of transition there is a good opportunity to improve communication and get more people involved.

      Discussion continued among the School Committee, the task force and the audience about what are regarded as the key messages of the report and how these questions fit with goals that are already being expressed. There was also concern about announcing as soon as possible what the next steps will be so that the public sees these issues as being �front and center.�

      Mr. Picker assured the audience in the fall there will be attention to this issue at early School Committee meetings, where a work plan to address the district goal relating to middle school improvement will be presented and discussed by the school administration.

      Discussion continued with further consideration about the applicability of the task force�s questions to the Hanscom Middle School, the composition of the next work group, and the appropriateness of distributing the raw data. On this last point about data Mr. Brandmeyer urged that the data be available only in aggregate form so that it is helpful without being hurtful. Ms. Hessler urged that data summaries get created soon and made available soon.

    4. Goals:
      1. District/Superintendent Goals
        Mr. Brandmeyer introduced the second draft of district goals. He briefly summarized the changes which reflected the School Committee feedback from the June 8th meeting. Cindy Sweetser suggested that there also be a goal about hiring a principal. The Committee agreed with her suggestion and requested that the administration add a goal about establishing permanent leadership for the Lincoln School.

        Mr. Picker moved that the Committee adopt the district goals with the understanding that a goal about leadership for Lincoln School would be included. Ms. Nyquist seconded the motion. The Committee unanimously approved the motion.

      2. School Committee Goals
        1. Continued Assessment of 2003-2004 Accomplishments
          Mr. Picker invited comments and changes as the committee considered the revised draft based on the discussion at the previous meeting.

          After discussion the Committee decided that another draft was needed, and agreed that Ms. Dobrow and Mr. Peery will work together before the next meeting to revise the document. The Committee will attempt to complete is self evaluation at the July 7 meeting.

        2. Discussion and VOTE on 2004-2005 Goals
          The Committee reviewed the goals that have been under consideration. There was discussion as to whether any goals should be added, and whether certain goals could be combined. In the end, it was decided that the goals as listed were suitable. The Committee confirmed that their goals did appropriately link to the district goals and they also determined which Committee members would have ownership of each goal.

          Mr. Picker moved that the Committee accept 2004-2005 goals. Ms. Nyquist seconded the motion. The committee unanimously approved the motion.

  5. Superintendent�s Report
    There was no Superintendent�s report.

  6. Curriculum
    1. Briefing
      There was no Curriculum briefing.

  7. Policy

  8. Budget and Financial
    1. FY04 Fiscal Report
      Mr. Brandmeyer reported that the district is still on track to finish in black. Because the district received the LSF grant, the administration will revise their end-of-year purchasing plan. He does not anticipate any surprises at this time.

      He reported that the Finance Committee is receptive to the idea of a reserve fund transfer for the facilities study.

      There was brief discussion about other end of year expenses and purchases.

    2. Warrant Approval
      There was no warrant.

  9. Old Business
    1. NSTAR Energy proposal: Hanscom Campus
      As an aside, Mr. Jack reported that the district expects to receive the report and findings from the recent Department of Defense sponsored Hanscom facilities study by July 13th.

      Mr. Jack reported that information from NSTAR suggests that it is wise to proceed with energy efficiency and lighting improvement projects at the Hanscom campus. He suggested doing the Hanscom Middle School first and that it is possible to have all of the HMS lighting replaced by August 1st. He has learned that the new fixtures will definitely improve light quality in the HMS cafeteria and kitchen. The School Committee agreed with this recommendation, and asked that the work procede.

    2. Funding Proposal for Facilities Study
      The Committee agreed to request a reserve fund transfer for the Facilities Study.

  10. New Business
    Mr. Picker informed the Committee that there is a request for a preliminary report by July 16th for the State of the Town meeting. He volunteered to provide a draft report at the July 7th meeting of the School Committee.

  11. Approval of Minutes
    Ms. Dobrow moved that the School Committee approve the minutes from May 20, 2004 meeting. Ms. Nyquist seconded the motion. The Committee unanimously approved the May 20th minutes.

  12. Information Enclosures

  13. Adjournment
    Mr. Picker moved that the Committee adjourn to executive session for a discussion of a vendor legal dispute. Ms. Hessler seconded the motion. There was a roll call vote.
    Ms. Dobrow: aye
    Ms. Nyquist: aye
    Ms. Hessler: aye
    Mr. Peery: aye
    Mr. Picker: aye
    Ms. Koning: concur
    Mr. Birney: concur

    The Committee adjourned to executive session at 10:41 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by
Paul Naso, Assistant Superintendent