Ashton Peery announced that he had spoken earlier that day with the new Lincoln School leadership team and he reported that they are eager to assume their responsibilities.
Jan Nyquist reported that the annual Lincoln School PTA picnic was a success. She added that the PTA had given Mr. Schultz a farewell gift.
Mr. Picker reported that the Lincoln School held a language celebration night to honor students who were award winners in national competitions.
Mr. Jewett observed that there is an awkwardness to a self-assessment and stressed the need to add a statement indicating that the remarks are the result of self-assessment.
The Committee also discussed whether there is a need to ask for feedback from the Superintendent and to seek input from other sources. They agreed to proceed this year as planned but consider ways to refine the assessment process for next year. They also agreed in general to remove value statements. The Committee then proceeded through each of the goals and indicated the key points to be reflected in their assessments.
The Committee decided to continue discussion of the self assessment to the next meeting.
The Committee requested that one of the goals directly address teaching and professional development; they requested that the Special Education review goal be re-written; and they requested that a goal about budget preparation be added to the Operations category.
(At this point the Committee agreed to proceed out of order to item IV. C. of the agenda, in order to accommodate John Snell, who had assisted Mr. Jack in preparing the energy savings report. Minutes for that portion appear below.)
Regarding School Committee goals, Mr. Picker introduced a draft set of goals and explained each of the seven goals. He added that each goal will have its own work plan. He suggested that the Committee arrive at a clear understanding of each goal before members declare which goals they want to oversee.
After discussion of the goals, the Committee agreed to add a goal on policy and oversight of program improvement, academic achievement, and teaching and learning, to complement the goal covering oversight of operations.
The Committee agreed to continue discussion of a revised draft at the next meeting.
Mr. Snell called the proposal a “good first salvo” and recommended highly that the work be done. In response to Mr. Peery’s question about payback time, Mr. Snell called it a “quick payback” and projected that payback would likely occur within 2-3 years. He was gratified that the schools were taking a leadership role in promoting energy conservation.
The Committee inquired further about the efficiency and lighting improvements the proposed changes would accomplish. In response to Laura Koning’s inquiry about needs at the Hanscom campus, there was also discussion about the best approach with energy efficiency at those facilities and how best to take advantage of the NStar opportunity. David Birney also asked for confirmation that under this program, NStar’s subcontractors would take care of hazardous material disposal, which they would.
The Committee agreed to proceed with the plan as proposed for the Lincoln campus, and also directed the administration to come to the next meeting with a proposal for the Hanscom campus.
Mr. Brandmeyer also acknowledged the contributions of the Masonic Angel Fund which this year has given over $5000 to children in need of financial support for various school-related and non school-related needs. This is a process coordinated at the schools by the social workers. Ms. Nyquist asked Mr. Brandmeyer to ensure that those transactions are appropriately audited.
Mr. Brandmeyer explained that he had considered the Committee’s concerns about fees and ensuring that all students are able to participate in activities that require fees. He suggested that next fall they consider the need for revised procedures and policies regarding scholarships.
The Committee discussed the current practice for determining which documents the Committee will put on its web pages. Mr. Picker explained a set of proposed guidelines that are intended to address requests coming from the Communications Subcommittee for posting more information. After the Committee discussed the guidelines, Mr. Picker moved that the draft guidelines be accepted. Mr. Peery seconded the motion. The Committee unanimously approved the motion.
Mr. Picker asked that the Committee agree to posting the documents related to the Technology Planning Process and the recently updated policies for METCO and facilities rental. The Committee agreed to these postings.
Mr. Brandmeyer reported on his discussion with the Capital Planning Committee regarding how to pay for this study. They identified three possible sources of funding: end-of-year monies, a request for a reserve fund transfer, and funds remaining from a previous warrant.
The Committee discussed these alternatives and agreed to return to this topic at the June 14th meeting.
The Committee reviewed the proposed meeting schedule for the 2004-2005 school year. Mr. Picker proposed adding a meeting on November 4th. The Committee also added meetings on February 3rd and February 17th instead of a meeting on February 10th. He also suggested that the Committee wait until topics are set before selecting Hanscom or Boston meeting dates.
Mr. Picker moved that the Committee adopt the calendar as amended. Ms. Dobrow seconded the motion. The Committee unanimously approved the motion.
Respectfully submitted by
Paul Naso, Assistant Superintendent