Lincoln School Committee
Minutes of February 12, 2004
Hartwell Building, Lincoln MA

PRESENT: Sue Hollingsworth, Chair; Ashton Peery, Vice Chair; Julie Dobrow; Jan Nyquist; and Dennis Picker.
Also present: Mickey Brandmeyer, Superintendent; Paul Naso, Assistant Superintendent; and Dave Jack, Business Administrator.
ABSENT: Laura Koning, Hanscom Representative and Sherice Horton, METCO Representative.
  1. Greetings and Call to Order
    Sue Hollingsworth called the meeting to order at 7:04. She proposed a change in order of agenda items so that David Birney would not have to remain for the FY05 Budget: Communication Plan discussion, since the discussion pertains to the Lincoln campus only, not Hanscom. The Committee agreed to place that item toward the end of the meeting.


  2. Chairperson�s and Members� report
    Ashton Peery acknowledged the recent dedication of the Book Room and appreciation for the performance by Sean and Jay Po at the opening.

    Dennis Picker reported that he attended the recent Newcomers� reception and explained that people new to town had opportunities to have their questions about the school department answered.

    David Birney expressed appreciation for the recent Town Meeting held by the School Department at the Hanscom Campus and reported that an article about the event was published in the Hansconian.

  3. Superintendent�s Report
    Superintendent Brandmeyer reported that the letter drafted by the School Committee encouraging the Governor to reinstate METCO funding is now endorsed by five additional school districts.

    Mr. Brandemeyer provided an update on the work of the Principal Search Committee for the Lincoln School. He announced that there are two finalists. He also announced the dates for site visits by the finalists (February 24th and March 1st) and the date for the evening forum for finalists (February 25th).

  4. Public Comments
    There were no public comments.

  5. Time Scheduled Appointments
    1. VOTE ON 2004 Graduation Dates
      Mr. Brandmeyer announced that graduation dates are proposed for June 16th (Lincoln) and June 17th (Hanscom).

      Dennis Picker moved that the Committee accept those dates. Julie Dobrow seconded the motion.

      The Committee voted unanimously to accept the dates as proposed.

    2. VOTE on 2004-2005 School Calendar
      Mr. Brandmeyer reminded the Committee that there had been a request by Mrs. Koning that the Committee consider extending the December break in the 2004-2005 school calendar so that Hanscom families might have more travel time. Mr. Brandmeyer discussed the difficulties of beginning the school year before Labor Day and the dilemmas of scheduling the school year into late June. He also provided comparisons with calendars of other districts (Sudbury, Lincoln-Sudbury, Bedford).

      Jan Nyquist moved that the Committee accept the calendar as proposed. Mr. Picker seconded the motion.

      Ms. Nyquist inquired about whether separate schedules for the two campuses were possible. Mr. Brandmeyer responded that it did not appear that had been done in the past.

      Committee voted unanimously to accept the calendar without change.

    3. FY05 Budget: Communication Plan - NOTE: this item was discussed after the Policy section on the agenda
      The Committee resumed work begun at their February 5th meeting on their FY05 Budget Communication Plan and key points that need emphasis as the budget is presented and explained. The draft of a power point presentation was the focus of the discussion. The following questions were the key points under consideration:
      • What are the cost containments that allow program growth without significant increases?
      • What messages do �cut� lists and �restoral� lists send?
      • Should the emphasis be on restorals or additions that genuinely matter for program improvement?
      • What needs to be communicated about class size?

      As the discussion concluded Mr. Peery summarized the changes having to do with the order of the slides and the details that appeared in particular slides.

    4. Evaluation of the Superintendent: Distribution of Materials
      Mr. Peery introduced the process and instrument for the evaluation of the Superintendent. Mr. Peery also began a discussion of possible changes to goal #2 (pertaining to strategic planning) and goal #6 (pertaining to structure of middle school). Mr. Peery proposed change to goal #2 would reword the goal to �Establish a process and initiate the development of an initial version of a strategic plan.� Mr. Peery proposed dropping goal #6 from the Superintendent�s goals.

      Mr. Picker supported the proposed change to goal #2 but expressed reluctance to eliminate goal #6. Mr. Picker also suggested that goal #8 (regarding Hanscom housing privatization) could be eliminated.

      Ms. Nyquist expressed concern about taking anything �off the table.� She added that the goals are there because of wishes expressed by the community and that slower progress should not be interpreted as no progress. Ms. Dobrow concurred that if they are goals for the district they should be goals for the Superintendent.

      Ms. Nyquist observed that the goals do not reflect �80% of the job� which has to do with day-to-day operations and not these �special projects.� Ms. Dobrow added as an example that the goals do not reflect all of the work that the Superintendent has put into the METCO issue.

      Mr. Peery and Mr. Picker discussed ways that a �miscellaneous� or �general performance� category might be added to the evaluation instrument.

      After further discussion there was agreement to leave the instrument as is but to add a ninth page for �general comments.�

      Members will send their completed evaluations to Mr. Peery by February 27th. The Committee will vote to accept the evaluation on March 18th.

  6. Curriculum
    Mr. Birney shared with Mr. Naso a copy of a revised Scope and Sequence for Social Studies and History distributed by the Bedford Schools at a recent parent meeting.

  7. Policy
    1. Transportation Fees Policy: Second Reading and VOTE
      Mr. Jack reviewed the changes in the text of the policy. Mr. Picker added that the changes were an attempt to make clear what is meant. Mr. Picker and Mr. Peery proposed a few additional changes.

      Mr. Picker moved that the Committee accept the Policy with the proposed revisions. Ms. Dobrow seconded. The Committee voted unanimously to accept the Policy with the proposed changes.

  8. Budget and Financial
    1. Warrant Approval
      There was no Warrant.

  9. Old Business

    Mr. Brandmeyer reported that he had discussion about the School Committee Town Meeting warrant regarding METCO with Tim Higgins. There was a question from Tim Higgins and Town Meeting Moderator Jack French about whether the School Committee wanted language in the warrant that asks for a vote at the Town Meeting (as originally presented) or language that would ask only for a discussion. The School Committee discussed the merits of each approach. The School Committee reached consensus that the warrant should be introduced as originally presented which would result in a vote to support or not support the School Committee�s continuing plan to bring Boston children to the Lincoln School. Mr. Peery reported on a discussion he had with Jack French indicating that the Moderator felt the question was appropriately stated, providing that the preamble is included.

    Mr. Brandmeyer also informed the Committee that Jack French declined the request from a PBS production team to videotape the Town Meeting discussion about METCO.

    The School Committee set a meeting for March 10th at 7:00 p.m. as a workshop to prepare for the Town Meeting discussion regarding METCO.

    Mr. Picker reported that he was preparing to post the School Committee goals on the district web page. He asked the Committee to clarify how to reflect the School Committee�s role in the development of a strategic plan. After some discussion the Committee agreed that it should explain that it will �partner� with the Superintendent to create the Strategic Plan.

  10. New Business

  11. Approval of Minutes
    Mr. Picker moved that the School Committee accept the minutes from the January 22nd meeting. Ms. Dobrow seconded the motion. The Committee unanimously approved the minutes for January 22, 2004.

    Members of the Committee agreed to changes to the January 29th minutes. Sue Hollingsworth moved that the Committee accept the minutes with the changes. Mr. Peery seconded the motion. The Committee unanimously approved the minutes for January 29, 2004.

    A brief discussion occurred between the School Committee, the Superintendent and Mr. Jewett in the audience about the purposes and usefulness of the School Committee meeting minutes.

  12. Information Enclosures

  13. Adjournment
    Mr. Peery moved that the meeting adjourn. Mr. Picker seconded. The Committee voted unanimously to adjourn at approximately 9:45.

Respectfully submitted by
Paul Naso, Assistant Superintendent