Lincoln School Committee
Minutes of January 22, 2004
Hartwell Building, Lincoln MA

  1. Greetings and Call to Order
    Sue Hollingsworth called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM
    Members present Sue Hollingsworth, Chair; Ashton Peery, Vice Chair; Julie Dobrow; Jan Nyquist; and Dennis Picker.
    Also present: Mickey Brandmeyer, Superintendent; Paul Naso, Assistant Superintendent; and Dave Jack, Business Administrator
    Members absent: David Birney and Laura Koning, Hanscom Representatives; and Sherice Horton, METCO Representative

  2. VOTE: FY05 Lincoln Base and Recommended Budget
    Mr. Brandmeyer summarized the current status of the recommended budget for FY05. He recommended that the School Committee review the status and then take two votes: to reaffirm the base budget with the changes and to propose a recommended budget.

    Mr. Brandmeyer explained changes to the base budget. An addition by the Finance Committee of $27,000 to the base budget will allow funds totaling $21,300 for classroom assistants and $5,700 for a technology teacher. The revised base budget will total $7,791,047.

    It was Mr. Brandmeyer�s proposal that the School Committee request $93,000 from the Finance Committee to support the recommended budget. This override amount would fund:

    Mr. Brandmeyer announced an assurance from the Finance Committee that they would support a reserve fund transfer of $31,800 if the anticipated Kindergarten Grant is not awarded.

    A motion by Mr. Peery asked that the School Committee approve Mr. Brandmeyer�s suggested motion regarding the base budget: �That the School Committee vote to establish a base budget in the amount of $7,791,047 for FY05.�
    The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

    A motion by Mr. Peery asked that the School Committee approve Mr. Brandmeyer�s suggested motion regarding the recommended budget: �That the School Committee vote to establish a recommended budget in the amount of $7,884,047 for FY05.�
    The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

    The School Committee then briefly discussed the themes that need to be communicated regarding the budget, in particular that the budget reflects good management on the part of the administration.

  3. VOTE: Authorize Certain Revolving Accounts
    Mr. Brandmeyer reviewed the laws and requirements concerning revolving accounts, including the need to seek approval for such accounts at the annual Town Meeting. To be in full compliance with the regulations, Mr. Brandmeyer recommended increases in the limit set for the pre-school account and decreases to the limit set for the transportation account.

    Mr. Picker moved that the School Committee approve the following motion; �That the School Committee request the Selectmen to approve an article for Town Meeting to establish revolving funds under M.G.L. Chapter 44, � 53E 1/2 for school transportation in the amount of $70,000 and for preschool users� fees in the amount of $90,000.�
    The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

  4. Old Business
    Ms. Dobrow mentioned that Governor Romney would soon close the FY05 state budget. She inquired if the School Committee wished to send another letter in support of additions to METCO funding by the state. The Committee endorsed this action and requested that Ms. Dobrow draft a letter on their behalf.

  5. Adjournment Sue Hollingsworth motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Approved 5-0.

Respectfully submitted by
Paul Naso, Assistant Superintendent