Lincoln School Committee
Minutes of January 15, 2004
Hartwell Building, Lincoln MA

  1. Greetings and Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order by Ashton Peery, Vice Chair; at 7:02 p.m.
    Members present included Jan Nyquist, Julie Dobrow, Dennis Picker, Members; Laura Koning, Colonel Ron Deak, and David Birney, Hanscom Representatives.
    Also present were Michael Brandmeyer, Superintendent; Paul Naso, Assistant Superintendent; and Dave Jack, Business Administrator.
    Members absent: Sue Hollingsworth, Member; and Sherice Horton, METCO Representative.

  2. Chairperson’s and Members’ report
    Colonel Ron Deak briefed the Committee regarding the Housing Privatization at Hanscom.

    Colonel Deak invited School Committee members to attend a presentation regarding the housing project, on February 12, 2004. Contractors of this project will be on hand to answer questions. The project is expected to be completed by November of 2007.

    Colonel Deak said that he would like to make a presentation at the January 29 meeting of the School Committee to explain the housing privatization plans and their implications for the school system. The School Committee welcomed this suggestion.

    Colonel Deak was called back to work and left the meeting at 7:30 p.m.

    Mr. Picker stated that Ms. Horton spoke to him earlier in the evening and due to a breakage of a water pipe in her home and heat problems, apologized for not being able to make the meeting tonight.

    Mr. Peery said that Sue Hollingsworth was traveling and could not be in attendance tonight, but that she will be here for the next School Committee meeting.

    Julie Dobrow reported that she along with Mr. Brandmeyer, Mr. Naso and Mr. Picker attended the parent meeting held by Christina Horner in Boston on January 13th. Parents were reassured that the School Committee has made a commitment to the currently enrolled METCO students. Mr. Naso stated he would work with teachers addressing the issues and concerns surrounding the METCO program that are arising with some of the students. At the parents’ meeting in Boston, A METCO parent expressed his wishes for the School Committee to hold meetings more often in Boston.

    Mr. Peery thanked Gina Halsted for hosting a get together at her home for METCO supporters. Lincoln and Boston families attended. Plans are in the works to meet again in the spring.

  3. Superintendent’s Report
    Mr. Brandmeyer briefed the Committee regarding the topics he is preparing for the upcoming Town Hall meeting at Hanscom. The Superintendent plans to explain to the Hanscom parents, the partnership between Lincoln Public Schools and Hanscom. Mr. Brandmeyer will also present an overview of the FY05 budget.

    Mr. Brandmeyer announced the following:

  4. Public Comments

  5. Time Scheduled Appointments
    1. METCO Warrant Initiative
      The Committee reviewed a draft copy of a preamble to the warrant article for METCO that was discussed at the January 7th School Committee meeting. Some discussion ensued regarding the Committee stating its advocacy position for the currently enrolled METCO children at the Town Meeting. The Committee also discussed revising wording of the draft preamble.

      Ashton Peery moved to adopt the METCO warrant article and preamble which reads:

      “The School Committee believes that Diversity is a critical component of the educational program offered to our children. This Diversity is most meaningfully embodied in our ongoing commitment to the METCO program. As the School Committee continues to evaluate this program, along with all our educational programs, in times of economic challenge, it would be helpful to understand better the town’s sentiments regarding METCO. This input, along with financial and other data, will be considered by the Committee as we set our educational priorities for the coming years.

      The warrant article reads: “To see if the Town will vote to support the School Committee in its continuing plan to bring children from Boston to the Lincoln School for the purpose of education and as an element of its diversity education program, or take any other action relative thereto”

      Dennis Picker seconded. Approved 4-0. Hanscom Representatives concurred.

    2. FY05 Budget Recommendation
      The Superintendent reviewed the decisions made to date regarding the FY05 budget. Mr. Brandmeyer reviewed a list of recommended motions to assist the Committee on a possible vote at the meeting tonight. He mentioned that the Finance Committee was also meeting tonight, and he anticipated that they would decide on a revised, somewhat larger, base budget amount for the schools.

      Dennis Picker moved that the School Committee vote to include $31,800 of anticipated kindergarten grant money in the revenue projections for FY05, provided that the Finance Committee vote to allow a reserve fund transfer in the amount of $31,800 if the district does not receive a kindergarten grant, as anticipated. Jan Nyquist seconded.
      Approved 4-0. Hanscom Representatives concurred.

      Paul Naso shared information he gained from Team Leaders and Department Heads regarding the future spending of the $20,000 in the “restoral list” that has been labeled as “arts enrichment” and the $40,000 in the “restoral list” that has been labeled as “0.8 FTE Art Teacher.” Conversations with the grade leaders and department heads provided some different thinking as to how to allocate these monies. The teachers agree a portion should be used for the instrumental music program but they would also like to see positions that were cut in past budget cycles be restored; specifically a technology specialist faculty position. The teachers expressed that the students would see more benefit from efforts to augment our utilization of technology than from having an additional art enrichment specialist.

      Mr. Brandmeyer modified his original suggestion for the recommended budget based on this feedback. He proposed that the money currently being spent on technology assistants be combined with a portion of the $40,000 that had been identified for use in art instruction to create a position for a second instructional technology teacher. This would return the system to the staffing level it previously had in this area. This would have the effect of strengthening the system’s efforts to integrate technology into the curriculum, and would align with the priority expressed by the teachers. The remainder of the $40,000 would be allocated to helping to fund instrumental music within the school budget, including an in-school performing ensemble. The $20,000 that was earmarked for enrichment would remain to be used as “arts enrichment”, to be allocated across the grades and spent on items prioritized by the teaching teams. After discussion, the School Committee concurred with this recommendation, and gave its strong support for this change to the Superintendent.

      Julie Dobrow felt that some monies should also be set aside for consumable spending for the art teachers. Dennis Picker asked Mr. Brandmeyer to confirm that the intention was that the “arts enrichment” funding could be used for consumable art supplies if the teachers felt that was a priority, and Mr. Brandmeyer confirmed that this was the case.

      The Superintendent suggested the Committee not vote a base or recommended budget at this meeting, but rather wait for further clarification from the Finance Committee regarding a possible revision in the size of the base budget. The Committee agreed with this suggestion, and scheduled an additional meeting on January 22, at 6:00PM to discuss and vote on a base and recommended budget to present to the Finance Committee at its meeting later that evening.

    3. School Committee Goals for 2003-2004
      The Committee reviewed the second draft of proposed goals for the Lincoln School Committee for the 2003-2004 School Year. After a brief discussion the Committee agreed further detail regarding the goals would be developed and presented for discussion. Each School Committee member took responsibility for developing this detail for one or more goals. Dennis Picker moved that the School Committee adopt the goals as described on the 12/15/03 draft as modified tonight. Ashton Peery seconded.

      Approved 4-0. Hanscom Representatives concurred.

    4. School Calendar for 2004-2005: First Reading
      Committee members reviewed the calendar and discussed possible dates for Institute Day and the impact of the proposed December vacation schedule. Julie Dobrow asked if parent teacher conference dates could be listed on the calendar. Dennis Picker asked if graduation dates for Lincoln and Hanscom could be determined earlier in the year than has been past practice. The calendar will be voted on at the January 29th School Committee meeting.

    5. Codman Challenge Grant
      The Trustees of the Ogden Codman Trust voted to award a $25,000, 1:1 discretionary matching grant to the Lincoln Public Schools. The Trust will match funds received up to $25,000 for the period between January 1, 2004 and November 30, 2004. Jan Nyquist advocated that some monies from this grant be given to the Book Room Project and the Instrumental Music program. Mr. Brandmeyer stated that the grant funds of $25,000 could not be used until we match the monies through future fundraising efforts.

      Ashton Peery moved to accept the Codman Challenge Grant. Julie Dobrow seconded. Approved 4-0. Hanscom Representatives concurred.

  6. Curriculum
    1. Report on Curriculum Priorities
      Mr. Naso reviewed the priorities for Curriculum Work for the time period February2004 to January 2005. The information presented indicated specific actions to be taken in each subject area, along with time commitments from the faculty and the estimated time required for the completion of the work being done. In addition to this work Mr. Naso is attempting to develop an effective device for monitoring curriculum planning. He feels the district needs a mechanism for focusing, coordinating and following through on curriculum initiatives, including the professional development experiences that are essential for meaningful change.

      Members of the Committee expressed their excitement after hearing the report and thanked Mr. Naso for his work to date. Some discussion ensued as to the differences in the curriculum at Hanscom in various subject areas since the Hanscom graduates attend Bedford High School rather than Lincoln Sudbury High School.

  7. Policy

  8. Budget and Financial
    1. FY04 Quarterly Budget Report
      Dave Jack reviewed and answered questions about the quarterly budget report.
      Mr. Jack reported that we are in good financial shape even with the unexpected expenses due to the mold issues in September. Mr. Jack said he will be reviewing the utility bills this next month and encumbering utility monies for the remainder of the year. Mr. Jack stated that we are currently in the black and should remain in the black. Dennis Picker thanked Dave for doing a superb job!

    2. Warrant Approval
      Ashton Peery moved to accept the warrants consisting of two payrolls and four accounts payable in the amount of $1,257,295.45
      Jan Nyquist seconded. Approved 4-0. Hanscom Representatives concurred.

  9. Old Business
    Julie Dobrow requested a date be set for the Budget Information Night.
    Tuesday, March 2nd was the preferred date with Monday, March 1st as a second choice.

  10. New Business
    Dennis Picker will provide an alert regarding the upcoming special School Committee meeting date of January 22 on the School Committee web site.

  11. Approval of Minutes
    Ashton Peery moved to approve the amended minutes of January 7th, 2004. Dennis Picker seconded. Approved 4-0. Hanscom Representatives concurred.

  12. Information Enclosures

  13. Adjournment
    Dennis Picker moved to adjourn the meeting. Ashton Peery seconded.
    Approved 4-0. Hanscom Representatives concurred.
    The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown