Lincoln School Committee
Minutes of January 7, 2004
Hartwell Building, Lincoln MA

  1. Greetings and Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order by Ashton Peery, Vice Chair, at 7:00 p.m.
    Members present included Julie Dobrow and Dennis Picker, Members; David Birney, Hanscom Representative; and Sherice Horton, METCO Representative.
    Also present were Michael Brandmeyer, Superintendent; Paul Naso, Assistant Superintendent; and Dave Jack, Business Administrator.
    Members absent: Sue Hollingsworth, Jan Nyquist, Members; Ron Deak and Laura Koning, Hanscom Representatives.

  2. Chairperson�s and Members� report
    No report

  3. Superintendent�s Report
    No Report

  4. Public Comments
    An audience member questioned where the School Committee meetings are posted, as the meeting night and date changed for this particular School Committee meeting. Members of the Committee replied that the meeting was posted on Monday at the Town Hall, as required. Ashton Peery explained the date changed so there would be a quorum present at the meeting. Dennis Picker stated that there would be no substantive decisions made at tonight�s meeting since it was not well publicized and that he is currently updating the school web site to improve communications of items such as late changes of meeting dates.

  5. Time Scheduled Appointments
    1. METCO Discussion
      The School Committee voted to request a non-binding referendum on the METCO program in this year�s Town Election at the December 18, 2003 meeting.

      Dennis Picker and Julie Dobrow presented this request to the Selectmen on December 29, 2003 and it has been approved. Dennis Picker reported that the Selectmen felt that since the School Committee had decided to sponsor a non-binding referendum, that it should then also put forward a warrant article for discussion at the Town Meeting prior to the Town Election. Julie Dobrow stated that putting forth a warrant article for discussion gives the School Committee the opportunity to educate members of the community. Ms. Dobrow would like to see permission granted from the town moderator to allow METCO parents to speak at the town meeting.

      After a brief discussion regarding the idea of private fundraising to help fund the METCO program, Julie Dobrow read a letter from State Senator Susan Fargo in response to a letter the School Committee sent to her regarding state funding for METCO. Senator Fargo stated in her letter that elected officials should be fighting for foundation level funding at the State level for this program.

      Ashton Peery suggested that the topic and discussion of the warrant article be placed on the January 15, 2004 School Committee Agenda, when more School Committee members will be present and the meeting is better publicized.

    2. FY05 Budget: Vote Recommended Budget
      On December 11th the School Committee presented its base budget in the amount of $7,764,047 to the Finance Committee. The School Committee discussed requesting $151,800 in additional funds to support the recommended budget at its meeting on December 18, 2003. At the December 18th meeting Jan Nyquist asked if some investigation could be done as to how many enrichment program funds were impacted due to budget cuts over the past several years. At that same meeting Ms. Nyquist recommended the enrichment funds be placed on the list of needed restorations.

      On December 22nd Mr. Brandmeyer and Julie Dobrow met with the Finance Committee in preparation of the FY05 recommended budget and an override request.

      The following items are identified as needed restorations to the budget:

      • Classroom Assistants $38,800
      • Professional development funds $10,000
      • Additional Bus $43,000
      • Art Teacher @80%FTE $40,000
      • Funds for Enrichment Programs $20,000

      Tonight Mr. Brandmeyer is recommending that the Committee consider the following:

      1. Include $32, 000 of anticipated revenue from the Kindergarten Grant to our base budget, with the understanding that the Finance Committee has agreed to a Reserve Fund Transfer in the event that the grant is not funded.
      2. Add the items listed above as the recommended budget, applying the $32,000 in additional revenue from the Kindergarten Grant, bringing the total override request to $120,000.

      Mr. Naso gave a brief report regarding some ideas that he and the school Administrators have been looking at to use the 80%FTE Art monies to provide direct program instruction in art and music at the various grade levels, including the possibility of an in-school music ensemble. The new ideas are going to be discussed shortly with teaching staff members.

      Robert Steinbrook from the Finance Committee has asked the School Committee for a prioritization of the identified restorations included in the recommended requests in order to aide the decision making. Mr. Brandmeyer stated that he will send an updated memo to the Finance Committee with this information before their next meeting.

  6. Curriculum
    No discussion.

  7. Policy
    1. Annual School Committee Goals: Second Reading and Vote
      Dennis Picker moved to accept the proposed changes to the Annual School Committee Goals Policy BA. Julie Dobrow seconded. Approved 3-0. Hanscom and METCO representatives concurred.

    2. Budget and Financial
      1. Review of Technology Capital Plan
        Dave Jack and Jan Nyquist recently submitted a technology proposal to the Capital Planning Committee. A review of the plan indicated that better pricing was available for some items. Dave Jack gave a brief report of the revised technology plan. Teresa Watts was on hand to answer any questions regarding the Assistive Technology software and hardware portion of the report.

        Dennis Picker asked Ms. Watts for clarification of her portion of the technology spending plan, regarding Assistive Technology. He asked whether the model for use of this technology was �pull out� or �inclusion� or a combination of both, asked for insight into the quantities of items listed and inquired into how teachers would receive training in the incorporation of the technology into their curriculum and in the operation of the technology.

        After a brief discussion and clarification from Ms. Watts, Ashton Peery moved to accept and submit the revised technology plan, in the amount of $33,893 for consideration at the spring Town Meeting. Dennis Picker seconded.

        Approved 3-0. Hanscom and METCO Representatives concurred.

      2. Warrant Approval

    3. Old Business

    4. New Business
      Dennis Picker has agreed to work on the school web site and manage the School Committee site. He is working on a three step process, with phase one being the most urgent, putting current and accurate School Committee meeting dates, agenda�s and minutes on the site in a timely fashion. In phase two, he plans to add additional types of information to the page. Lastly, he proposes to use electronic communications more pro-actively, with the introduction of an opt-in email list for distributing alerts and information to the community from the School Committee. He asked that the members of the Committee review the prototype of the revised site he has created and give him feedback as soon as possible, so that the new site can be made visible to the community.

      Ashton Peery thanked Dennis for the time he has spent on updating the web site.

      Mr. Peery also mentioned that he was aware of a hosting company that works on providing a set of web services at no direct costs to schools and that this might be worth investigating.

    5. Approval of Minutes
      Dennis Picker moved to approve the amended minutes of December 4, 2003.
      Julie Dobrow seconded. Approved 3-0 Hanscom and METCO Representatives concurred.
      Ashton Peery moved to approve the amended minutes of December 18, 2003.
      Julie Dobrow seconded. Approved 3-0 Hanscom and METCO Representatives concurred.

    6. Information Enclosures

    7. Adjournment
      Dennis Picker moved to adjourn the meeting.
      Ashton Peery seconded. Approved 3-0. Hanscom and METCO Representatives concurred.
      The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted by
    Stephanie Brown