The Superintendent also attended Hanscom Middle School�s winter concert where 80% of the students participated in the performance. Compliments also went out to these students and Mr. Brandmeyer reported that it was a fun evening for all in attendance.
Mark Masterson suggested the Superintendent could appoint a teacher or library staff person to work with the Friends of Leslie Vagliano group. Mr. Brandmeyer agreed.
Ashton Peery motioned to accept the proposal as stated and Anne Doyle seconded. Approved 5-0 Sherice Horton, METCO representative, concurred and Michelle Gardner Ince, Hanscom Representative, concurred.
Computer hardware, reduced aide time, reduced consumables, reduced custodial overtime and reduced special education tutors that were held in reserve.
Sue Hollingsworth motioned that the School Committee vote to approve the Hanscom Schools proposed FY04 Budget. Mark Masterson seconded. Approved 5-0. Hanscom and METCO representatives concurred.
Becky Eston , kindergarten teacher at the Lincoln School, and the kindergarten team made a presentation to the School Committee regarding their concerns over the proposed Kindergarten Models for 2003-2004 school year. The team would like to see the current Full Day program evaluated since it has just been in place for the current year, before any other changes are considered.
After some discussion a decision was made to provide a letter to the parents of kindergarten students who will be enrolling in the Lincoln School in the next few years outlining the options under consideration and inviting them to a forum for further discussion.
The issue of available space and allocation of seats was discussed. A second reading of the revised policy will be on the School Committee agenda January 8th.
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown