Discussion over security concerns on how to keep the facilities locked brought up some alternative ideas such as having a push button code lock placed on the bathroom doors.
Jan also reported on the suggestions and questions the PTA board had for the School Committee. The PTA asked how the public is getting information from the School Committee, suggesting that perhaps the answers to the most frequently asked questions of the School Committee should be posted on the web along with the School Committee members’ responses. The PTA is also asking for a clearly defined roll for the Hospitality and Communication liaisons.
Sue Hollingsworth asked why the School Committee meeting agendas haven’t also been posted in the Mini-Link, and Jan Nyquist will follow up on this to make sure they get into the Mini-Link.
The Superintendent presented several options for review to the School Committee for the 2003-2004 school year Kindergarten program. The Massachusetts Law requires the school district to offer a half-day Kindergarten.
Option 1: Full Day Kindergarten
Option 2: Modified Full Day Kindergarten
Option 3: Half Day Kindergarten with Tuition Option for Full Day Kindergarten.
Comments and questions raised by members of the School Committee regarding the proposal:
A suggestion was made to gain feedback from the community especially next years Kindergarten families, and perhaps even the 2004-2005 families.
Could the School Committee offer the 80% day option along with the full day option?
Members on the committee would like more information on the half-day option, and the full cost and number of buses needed.
Christina Horner, METCO Director for The Lincoln School, read a statement regarding the METCO parent meeting held December 4th.
The School Committee members asked about the language of the METCO Policy regarding how many children are allowed per class, what reductions would be possible to make without reducing the grant, clarification on the “back-filling” policy for class placement allowed in Lincoln, the screening tool used to place students, and admission of students in the later grades rather than beginning in Kindergarten.
Some areas of savings were: Out of district tuition, CASE program assessment and transportation, and SPED Summer School.
The Superintendent also presented proposed adjustments to the Base Budget with items that could be presented to the Finance Committee for an over-ride request.
The open meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown