Anne Doyle will send a formal thank you from the School Committee to the members of the Task Force.
Ms. Hollingsworth also announced and welcomed the new School Committee METCO Representative, Sherice Horton.
Members of the School Committee requested data from the principal as to the allocated teacher assistant hours for all grades this current school year.
Sue Hollingsworth stated that no School Committee policy is currently in place for targeted giving of donations but the committee will look into this. Sue asked that this issue be brought back to the School Committee on December 5 for a vote.
The Superintendent addressed the School Committee about the Phase I and Phase II reductions in Phase I and Phase II work the Principals and Central Office administrators have recommended to bring a 0% increase ’04 budget to the Finance Committee. The School Committee heard the Phase II reductions from both Hanscom and Lincoln administrators.
The budget proposal at present recommended by Teresa Watts and Steve Kaplan includes the need for a part-time Early Childhood administrator, a full time OT assistant, money set aside for legal expenses and anticipated out of district placement tuition.
School Committee members asked questions relating to the pre-school population and the services needed, and the source of funding in the past to cover the cost of the Early Childhood Coordinator.
Curriculum Specialist, Social Worker (.05 FTE), Athletics, After School Music Program, Library Software and server, Library Aide (1.0 at Hanscom Middle School) and computer hardware upgrades.
Consumable supplies/materials, durable equipment, contracted services, textbooks, other published materials, printing costs, staff development, curriculum development, Reading Specialist (1.0 FTE), proposed Library/Media Specialist, and Instructional Assistants (8hours/week).
Discussion took place around class size policy and the savings related to slightly increasing the class sizes. There was also discussion around making changes to the Middle School model as the Task Force findings suggested. Mr. Brandmeyer felt that a conversation with faculty and parents of middle school students would need to take place before any changes were made.
Members of the audience asked questions related to the budget cuts, (for example, Is the Administration planning on keeping full day kindergarten next year?) A parent requested that parents and teachers have a chance to see impact statements regarding the budget cuts and to have these explained in detail.
Mr. Brandmeyer stated that the date of the finalized budget to the School Committee for a vote is January 16, 2003.
School Committee members suggested amending the first sentence to clarify what is allowed to be discussed during Executive Session.
Anne Doyle motioned to accept the amended Public Participation Policy. Jan Nyquist seconded. Approved 3-0. Hanscom Representatives concurred.
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown