Lincoln School Committee
Minutes of November 7, 2002
Hartwell Building, Lincoln MA

  1. Greetings and Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order by Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, at 7:07 p.m.
    Members present included: Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, Ashton Peery, Vice Chair, Jan Nyquist, Anne Doyle, and Mark Smith, Hanscom Representative.
    Also present were Michael Brandmeyer, Superintendent, Jeanne Whitten, Assistant Superintendent, and Dave Jack, School Business Administrator.
    Members absent: Mark Masterson and Michelle Gardner-Ince, Hanscom Representative.

  2. Chairpersons and Members report
    Sue Hollingsworth announced that the Task Force report to the town will occur on November 19, 2002. The written report will be available at the Superintendent’s Office and at the Town Library.

    Ashton Peery along with Sue Hollingsworth and Mickey Brandmeyer attended the Massachusetts Association of School Committees and Superintendents Conference. Ashton commented on the following workshops he attended that he would like the School Committee to study further and consider:

    Jeanne Whitten announced that she and Mickey are attending a workshop next week titled “No Child Left Behind”. She will report on this at a future School Committee meeting.

  3. Superintendent’s Report
    Mickey Brandmeyer reported on the following:

    Gail Williams was hired as a Reading Teacher at the Lincoln School. The funding for the Full Day Kindergarten grant was awarded at a reduced amount of $60,000.

    He met with the PTA regarding the teacher assistant hours in first grade and the parent support for increasing them.

    He met with the League of Women Voters and presented the “State of the Schools”.

    The FY ’04 budget will be delivered to the School Committee members on Friday afternoon. A School Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 13, 2002 as a “working” meeting. A public hearing is scheduled for the November 21, 2002 School Committee meeting for members of the community to address questions they may have about the budget.

  4. Public Comments
    A parent addressed safety concerns regarding the designated bus stop for his children at Old Cambridge Turnpike and Deerhaven. He is requesting that the current bus route be changed to allow his children a safer walk to the bus stop. David Jack stated that Doherty’s, the Lincoln Police and the State Police visited the site of the current bus stop and deemed it safe. The Superintendent asked for a reassessment of the stop and Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, proposed that the issue be re-visited one more time and discussed in greater detail. The committee will follow up with the parent next week.

  5. Time Scheduled Appointments
    No Discussion

  6. Curriculum
    Jerry Schultz, Howard Worona, Pam Roberts, and Mike Moritz presented their proposal for Instrumental Music Instruction for Fifth Graders for the 2002-2003 school year. Discussion ensued around what the program will look like beyond fifth grade, projected costs for the program as it moves up to 6th, 7th and 8th grade as an elective course, and the sustainability of the program with outside funding, i.e.; grants, and fundraising. Jerry Schultz and Mickey Brandmeyer will take the responsibility for leading the fundraising.

    Mickey Brandmeyer recommended the School Committee accept this program contingent on the insurance of funding (cash in hand) prior to the program starting in January, 2003. Sue Hollingsworth motioned that the School Committee approve the Instrumental Music Proposal as recommended by the Superintendent.

    Seconded by Jan Nyquist.

    Approved 4-0. Hanscom Representative, concurred.

  7. Policy
    The Superintendent presented a policy on Public Participation: First Reading. The policy is designed to encourage community participation and to provide structure to allow the School Committee to conduct their official business.

    When adopted, this policy will replace the Audience Participation section in the policy book. Sue Hollingsworth recommends the committee vote on this at the next scheduled School Committee meeting.

  8. Budget and Financial
    1. Warrant Approval
      Ashton Peery, Vice Chair motioned to approve the warrants totaling $1,218,741.19.
      Two payroll and three sets of accounts payable are on this warrant.
      Sue Hollingsworth seconded.
      Approved 4-0. Hanscom Representative, concurred.

    2. FY ’03 Quarterly Report
      The quarterly budget report for the period ending October 26, 2002 was presented. Most accounts are projected to close the year with sufficient funds and the Administration expects to manage any line item currently in deficit through the approved operating budget.

  9. Old Business
    No Discussion

  10. New Business
    1. Jan Nyquist reported on the Lincoln Schools Capital Warrants proposal of 10/30/02 to the Capital Planning Committee for FY’04.

      Three specific items were requested: Classroom Rehabilitation, $25,000, Technology System Upgrades, $50,000 and the Chimney Replacement at the Smith Building in the Lincoln School, $25,000. The next Capital Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for November 20, 2002 for a final vote on the proposals.

    2. Mr. Brandmeyer recommended Margaret Ramsey McCluskey to serve on the Lincoln Scholarship Committee. Sue Hollingsworth motioned to appoint Ms. McCluskey. Anne Doyle Seconded. Approved 4-0. Hanscom Representative, concurred.

  11. Approval of Minutes
    Ashton Peery moved to approve the amended minutes of October 17th.
    Jan Nyquist seconded.
    Jan Nyquist moved to approve the minutes of October 18th. Seconded by Ashton Peery.
    Approved 4-0. Hanscom Representative, concurred.

  12. Information Enclosures
    No Discussion

  13. Adjournment
    Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, moved to adjourn the open meeting to convene in Executive Session for the purpose of negotiations. Anne Doyle seconded.
    Approved on a roll call vote: Sue Hollingsworth, Yes, Ashton Peery, Yes, Anne Doyle, Yes, Jan Nyquist, Yes, and Mark Smith, concurred.
    The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown