Complimented the pre-school staff on a successful open house.
Thanks to all the teachers that presented workshops on Institute Day.
The Diversity Leadership Team met and brainstormed goals.
Mentioned the date of Wednesday January 22, 2003 as diversity day, after the end of the regularly scheduled school day.
Announced the date of a Native American Pow Wow, set up by Claudia Fox Tree at the Brooks Field House on November 17, 2002.
Christina Horner also addressed student placement, academics, transportation issues, the Diversity Discussion Group that meets in the school, and EMI.
A new program this year is the monthly METCO girls’ party where each visiting day the METCO girls in a pre-determined grade will invite a Lincoln friend to join them for a sewing party at Ellen Morgan’s home.
Michelle Gardner-Ince, Hanscom Representative, asked if the Coordinating Committee had ever considered that Hanscom families could have an interest in becoming a Host family.
Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, asked Mr. Howard if the METCO Parent Group had a parent representative from the group to sit on the School Committee. Mr. Howard said that he knew of two parents who would be willing to attend.
Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, asked for audience comments on the goals presented.
A member of the audience asked about the EMI training and if the skills learned are actually being connected to the curriculum. Jeanne Whitten, Assistant Superintendent, responded that the Administration at each school site should ask for specificity and look for sources of evidence in the curriculum to ensure that this is happening.
Amy Hood, METCO Social Worker, gave an overview of the history of the EMI collaborative. EMI began as a resource for the towns with the METCO program that expanded into the course they now offer.
Michelle Gardner–Ince, Hanscom Representative, motioned to address the issue of security along with safety under the Facilities and Financial Management District Goal.
Ashton Peery moved to accept the District Goals as discussed and amended.
Seconded by Jan Nyquist.
Approved 4-0. Hanscom Representative concurred.
Members of the audience asked about the questions on the survey mailed out by the Task Force, what we learned from the responses, and what proposals they have for the METCO program.
The Task Force committee responded that the focus of the survey was on class size, instruction minutes, personnel experience and education level, school administration salaries and for systems that have the METCO program, information about cost, number of children admitted, and policy on admissions along with number of support personnel.
This report was deferred until the next scheduled School Committee meeting on November 7th.
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown