- Greetings and Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, at 7:06 p.m.
Members present included: Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, Ashton Peery, Vice Chair, Anne Doyle, Jan Nyquist, Mark Masterson and Michelle Gardner-Ince, Hanscom Representative. Also present were Michael Brandmeyer, Superintendent, Jeanne Whitten, Assistant Superintendent, and Dave Jack, School Business Administrator.
Members absent: Mark Smith, Hanscom Representative.
- Chairperson’s and Members’ Report
Sue Hollingsworth congratulated the teachers for a job well done at the Back to School Curriculum nights at the Lincoln School.
Jan Nyquist officially recognized and thanked the Conservation Commission for the maintenance of the trails and the woods around the Lincoln School.
Ashton Peery announced the date of October 28th for the next subcommittee meeting with Lincoln-Sudbury and Sudbury School Committee members to discuss the Dependent Child Policy.
- Superintendent’s Report
Mickey Brandmeyer complimented the Hanscom Middle School and the Lincoln School for the wonderful presentations at their Open House and Curriculum nights.
The Superintendent reported that the Task Force had visited teachers at the school sites and came away with an understanding of the challenges, issues, and satisfactions that teachers face. Lastly, the Superintendent gave an overview of the October 11, 2002 Institute Day schedule.
- Public Comments
Anne Doyle reported that the Committee Chair of the Special Education Parent Advisory Committee would like to be notified prior to any School Committee meeting if an item pertaining to PAC appears on the agenda.
Terry Green requested that the School Committee agenda be posted either on the web site or as a folder on the e-mail for staff to preview. The Superintendent agreed that the agenda could be posted on the e-mail.
A parent of a first grader expressed concerns over the reduction of teacher assistant hours in grade 1, and the lack of a Reading Recovery teacher at this point. Principal of the Lincoln School Jerry Schultz responded that the position of the Reading teacher has been re-advertised and they will be filling this position.
Another parent of a grade one student recalled a discussion last year around the grant money for kindergarten and the consideration of additional teacher assistant time in the first grade classrooms, given that the kindergarten teachers would no longer be able to staff first grade classrooms in the afternoon. The School Committee will address this issue at a later time.
- Time Scheduled Appointments
- Nature’s Classroom
Matthew Bihis and Yanique Whyte, two 6th grade students from Hanscom Middle School, and Justin Mundt and Ellie Hylton from Lincoln School presented a report to the School Committee on their cross campus field trip to Nature’s Classroom. Barry Hopping and Judith Glassman thanked the PTA and the Lincoln School Foundation for their assistance in making this field trip a reality for all students. Special thanks to 6th grade science teacher, Julie O’Brien, for organizing this field trip.
- DeCordova Appointment
Sonja Wolfsberg came before the School Committee to express her interest in filling the Trustee appointment to the Board of Directors of the DeCordova Museum.
Sue Hollingsworth motioned to appoint Sonja Wolfsberg as a Trustee to the DeCordova Board. Mark Masterson seconded the motion.
Approved 5-0. Hanscom Representative concurred.
- Hanscom Primary School Improvement Plan and Vote
Principal Randy Davis and members of the School Advisory Committee presented the School Improvement Plan along with the Curriculum Accommodation Plan for the 2002-2003 school year. Information was presented on Standards Based Education, Safety, Building an Anti-Racist Learning Community and Technology.
Ashton Peery motioned that the School Committee accept the Hanscom Primary School Improvement Plan. Jan Nyquist seconded.
Approved 5-0. Hanscom Representative concurred.
- Hanscom Middle School Improvement Plan and Vote
Principal Barry Hopping presented the Hanscom Middle School Improvement Plan and reviewed the four broad goals selected as a focus for the 2002-2003 school year:
Survival Skills in the New Millennium, Respect, Leadership and Academic Rigor.
Barry Hopping asked for clarification from the School Committee as to why Hanscom 8th graders must attend Shawsheen Tech instead of Minuteman Tech if they are not attending Bedford High School.
Jan Nyquist motioned to approve the Hanscom Middle School Improvement Plan, seconded by Mark Masterson. Approved 5-0. Hanscom Representative concurred.
- Discussion of District Goals – First Discussion
The Superintendent presented four broad goals:
- continue to improve teaching and learning
- focus on the efficient utilization of resources
- create an environment that promotes diversity and inclusion
- promote effective partnerships
Six areas of focus were designed to reach the goals listed above. The Superintendent asked for a School Committee liaison for each of these areas and the following School Committee members volunteered:
- Curriculum Instruction and Assessment, Anne Doyle
- Teacher Excellence, Michelle Gardner-Ince and Ashton Peery
- Student Support Programs and Services, Sue Hollingsworth
- Leadership and Governance, School Committee as a body
- Facilities and Financial Management, Ashton Peery and Jan Nyquist
- Diversity, Michelle Gardner-Ince
- Curriculum
No discussion
- Policy
The Superintendent presented the proposal to guide this year’s effort to review the School Committee policy manual by focusing on three categories:
- Significant review and development
- Editing and minor revisions
- Deleting outdated policies
The Superintendent will ask the School Committee to determine a liaison for each policy under consideration. The Superintendent added Public Comments to the School Committee agenda and offered to develop a policy to establish how this participation piece of the agenda will work.
- Budget and Financial
Ashton Peery, Vice Chair, motioned that the School Committee vote to approve the warrants totaling $780,560.01. Mark Masterson seconded.
Approved 5-0. Hanscom Representative concurred.
- Old Business
Sue Hollingsworth, Chair announced that the State of the Town meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 19th from 1 to 4 p.m.
- New Business
David Jack needs someone to help with the Capital Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday, October 9th at 7:30 p.m. Jan Nyquist volunteered to assist.
- Approval of Minutes
The minutes are tabled for review until the next School Committee meeting, October 17th, 2002.
- Information Enclosures
No discussion
- Adjournment
Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, moved to adjourn the open meeting to convene in Executive Session for the purpose of negotiations. Seconded by Ashton Peery. Approved on a roll call vote: Sue Hollingsworth, Yes, Ashton Peery, Yes, Anne Doyle, Yes, Jan Nyquist, Yes, Mark Masterson, Yes, and Michelle Gardner-Ince, concurred.
The meeting adjourned at 10:27 p.m.