Mickey Brandmeyer reported that Hanscom Primary School held its Curriculum night. The theme for the school is Reading Across the USA, as a result of receiving a Lincoln School Foundation Grant last spring.
Mr. Brandmeyer announced and encouraged attendance at the upcoming Forum on Education, titled Defining Excellence in Lincoln�s schools to be held on September 23, 7:30 p.m. in the Donaldson Auditorium. This special event is cosponsored by the Lincoln K-8 Task Force, the Lincoln School Committee, the Lincoln Parent Teacher Association and the Bemis Free Lecture Series.
Dr. Jeanne Whitten, Assistant Superintendent, reported that the children at the Lincoln campus observed September 11th by inviting the police and fire department to a flag ceremony followed by a moment of silence. Dr. Whitten gave special recognition to Steve Green and the 6/8 Cluster for the well organized activities.
Mickey Brandmeyer reported that the elementary and middle schools on the Hanscom campuses participated in a moment of silence.
Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, opened the floor for School Committee members to address the audience.
At this time the current kindergarten classes exceed the district policy target size of 18. The Committee has concerns about exceeding the maximum class size as the school is anticipating two more kindergarten students being admitted this fall. Ashton Peery stated that members of the L.S. School Committee had been invited to the July School Committee meeting to discuss our dependent child policy. He and Anne Doyle are meeting with two School Committee members from Lincoln-Sudbury and one School Committee member from Sudbury to further discuss the policy that is presently in place.
A member of the audience inquired about the School Committee policy that does not allow tutoring after school on school grounds and hoped that this policy will change.
The Committee will put this item on a future agenda.
Mr. Green reported that the job of this Task Force is to report to the Town and to advise the School Committee.
The following questions and issues were posed and reviewed:
Anne Doyle complimented the Task Force on the many hours they have volunteered and is impressed with the thoughtful analysis the members presented tonight. This information will be very helpful to the Town and to the School Committee.
School Committee member Anne Doyle asked if the outcomes of the plan could be changed to focus on student learning and achievements rather than staff. She also asked for clarity on how the school�s goals align with the District goals. Ashton Peery asked how the Blue Ribbon reports could be incorporated into the plan.
It was recommended to have one person in the responsible person(s) category as the spokesperson.
The Committee discussed the goal to adopt LoveandLogic and suggested that teacher training be provided and that the school pilot the program this year. The Committee also requested a report on the program at a future meeting.
Jan Nyquist moved to vote to approve the School Improvement Plan, as amended, seconded by Mark Masterson.
Approved 5-0. Hanscom Representative concurred.
The Committee tabled its first discussion of the student residency policy in order to participate in a community-wide discussion with Lincoln-Sudbury and Sudbury School Committee members.
Ashton Peery motioned to create a subcommittee to represent Lincoln Public Schools at a joint meeting with Lincoln-Sudbury and Sudbury to review policy.
Seconded by Mark Masterson. Sue Hollingsworth asked if this would be an Ad Hoc committee. Ashton amended his motion that an Ad Hoc committee be formed. Jan Nyquist seconded.
Approved 5-0. Hanscom Representative concurred.
Anne Doyle asked if other parents could be liaisons on the Education Committee if they have an interest?
Mickey Brandmeyer stated that we appoint a representative as a member of the Board of Directors to the DeCordova and that we might encourage a new subcommittee with a liaison taking on a role.
The next step is for Jan Nyquist to provide a packet to the candidates and to ask the candidates to come forward to the Committee for an interview. Ashton Peery expressed interest in seeing a packet that will be given to the trustee candidates.
A tutor from the Lincoln School requests that she be able to enroll her son in Kindergarten at the Lincoln School.
The Superintendent is not recommending this request citing that the Kindergarten sections exceed target class size.
Sue Hollingsworth motioned to accept the Superintendent�s recommendation to deny admission. Seconded by Jan Nyquist.
Approved 5-0. Hanscom Representative concurred
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown