Minutes of the
Lincoln School Committee Meeting
Thursday, June 19, 2003
Hartwell Building, Lincoln, MA

PRESENT: Sue Hollingsworth, Chair, Ashton Peery, Vice Chair, and Jan Nyquist.
Also present were Penny Billings, Chair, Lincoln Board of Selectmen, Gary Taylor, Board of Selectmen, Sara Mattes, Board of Selectmen, Michael Brandmeyer, Superintendent and Dave Jack, Business Administrator.
ABSENT: Michelle Gardner-Ince and Ron Deak, Hanscom Representatives, Sherice Horton, METCO Representative.
  1. Greetings and Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order by Sue Hollingsworth, Chair at 7:00 p.m.

  2. Joint Meeting with Board of Selectmen to Interview and Appoint School Committee Members
    The Board of Selectmen and the School Committee reviewed selection criteria which would be used to evaluate members of the community interested in filling the School Committee seats recently vacated by Mark Masterson and Jurrien Timmer. The criteria included: knowledge of the schools and community, experience working on boards or committees, and a willingness to participate in the open, public decision-making process.

    Sue Hollingsworth reported that Haley Blacklow has withdrawn her intent to serve on the School Committee.

    The members of the School Committee and Board of Selectmen interviewed the following citizens: Elisa Sartori, Julie Dobrow, Maria Hylton, Richard Jewett, William Munroe, and Dennis Picker.

    Following the interviews, Sue Hollingsworth thanked each participant and commented that each of the candidates brought many positive attributes to the process. Penny Billings stated that the School Committee was lucky to have so many candidates of such high caliber and a variety of talents.

    After much discussion, Sue Hollingsworth motioned to appoint Dennis Picker and Julie Dobrow to the School Committee, seconded by Jan Nyquist.

    Motioned carried unanimously by a roll call vote
    Sue Hollingsworth � yes
    Ashton Peery � yes
    Jan Nyquist � yes
    Penny Billings � yes
    Gary Taylor � yes
    Sara Mattes - yes

  3. The Board of Selectmen at this point left the meeting.

  4. Chairperson's and Members' Report
    Ashton Peery reported that he attended the Lincoln Middle School talent show and commented on the high quality of each of the acts. He expressed his appreciation to Pip Moss, Terri Nathanson and all of the staff who supported this effort.

    Jan Nyquist reported that she wanted to recognize the Superintendent for his efforts this year and commented that he dealt with many challenging issues.

  5. Superintendent's Report
    Superintendent Brandmeyer expressed his thanks to and recognized the administrative team, faculty and staff for all of their efforts to deliver a strong program to our students.

  6. Public Comments
    Cindy Sweetser asked the Superintendent if Jerry Schultz would be returning as Principal for the 2003-04 school year. Mr. Brandmeyer reported that he would be returning.

  7. Time Scheduled Appointments
    1. Vote on after School Music Fees
      Howard Worona, Director of the Lincoln After School Music Program (LASMP), made a proposal to increase the rate of compensation for the instructors in the After School Music Program.

      Mr. Brandmeyer recommended that since the program uses the school facilities without charge and is perceived to be a school program that the finances and facility needs be coordinated by the Business Office. After discussion, Ashton Peery motioned to approve the rate increases for 2003-04, to place the program under the direction of the School Department and to evaluate these changes next year, seconded by Sue Hollingsworth. Approved 3-0.

    2. Proposal for Parking Lot Improvements
      Anne Hutchinson and Sue Wolff presented a proposal to improve parking and traffic flow in the Smith parking lot.

      Dave Jack indicated that cost estimates for this project range from $12,800 to $20,000.

      The Superintendent recommended that up to $10,000 of FY03 dollars be allocated for this project. Jan Nyquist motioned to approve the project and the allocation of $10,000, seconded by Sue Hollingsworth. Approved 3-0.

    3. Vote on METCO Enrollment Numbers for 2003-2004
      Mr. Brandmeyer has reviewed the METCO enrollment with Christina Horner and they are requesting approval to enroll 17 new students for the 2003-04 academic year. This proposal is aligned with the School Committee policy JECBB.

      The distribution of the 17 students will be as follows: kindergarten � 8, grade 1 � 5, grade 2 � 0, grade 3 � 0, grade 4 � 2, grade 5 � 2, grade 6 � 0, grade 7 � 0, grade 8 � 0.

      Jan Nyquist motioned to approve the request providing we do not exceed target class size, seconded by Sue Hollingswoth. Approved 3-0.

  8. Curriculum
    No discussion

  9. Policy
    No discussion

  10. Budget and Financial
    1. End-of-Year Financial Report
      Dave Jack, Business Administrator, presented a report on the status of the FY03 budget and the plans to close the budgets for both Lincoln and Hanscom. The year is expected to end without deficits. Mr. Jack will present a complete accounting at the July 24th meeting.

      The School Committee thanked Mr. Jack for his management of the district�s resources and complimented him on improving the system�s operations.

    2. Warrant Approval
      Ashton Peery moved to approve the warrants totaling $142,498.18, Jan Nyquist seconded. Approved 3-0

  11. Old Business
    1. Approve Continued Enrollment of Employee�s Students
      The Superintendent presented a request from Seth Weiss, Lincoln-Sudbury High School teacher, for the continued enrollment of Basha, grade 7, and Sara, grade 2, for the 2003-2004 school year. Policy JECB provides for continued enrollment providing the student�s parent remain employed according to the policy. No vote was needed. Mr. Brandmeyer will communicate with the parents.

    2. Establish School Committee Meeting Dates for 2003-2004
      The School Committee reviewed the Thursday meeting dates for 2003-2004. Jan Nyquist moved to approve the following meetings dates for 2003-2004: September 4 & 18, October 2 & 16, November 6 & 20, December 11, January 15 & 29, February 12, March 4 & 18, April 1 & 15, May 6 & 20, and June 3 & 17, Ashton Peery seconded. Approved 3-0.

    3. Set Summer Hours
      The Superintendent requested that the Central Office close on Fridays during the summer months, effective July 7 through August 21 with published hours of operation for this period of 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Sue Hollingsworth motioned to approve the summer work hours for Central Office effective July 7 through August 21, 2003 contingent upon the Selectmen adopting this schedule, Ashton Peery seconded. Approved 3-0.

  12. New Business
    1. Approve Amendments to C.A.S.E. Agreement
      Mr. Brandmeyer reported that the Concord Area Special Education Collaborative (C.A.S.E.) Board of Directors is requesting a change to the C.A.S.E. Agreement due to legislative changes. He reported that the Board of Directors discussed this proposal at length and viewed it strictly as a technical change which will not have an impact on services or operations. Sue Hollingsworth motioned to approve the change to the Agreement, Jan Nyquist, seconded. Approved 3-0.
  13. Approval of Minutes
    Jan Nyquest moved to approve the minutes of the School Committee meeting on June 5, 2003, Ashton Peery seconded. Approved 3-0

    Sue Hollingsworth motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:05 p.m., Ashton Peery seconded.
    Approved 3-0 in a role call vote:
    Sue Hollingsworth � yes
    Ashton Peery � yes
    Jan Nyquist � yes

Respectfully submitted by
Michael Brandmeyer, Superintendent