Ms. Hollingsworth also thanked Mr. Schultz and the Lincoln School kindergarten team for providing the Kindergarten Visiting Day for parents who have incoming kindergarten students in the fall.
Sue also thanked Pam Roberts and her students for a great job on the Grade 2/3 Concert held last week.
He also thanked the sixth grade team at the Lincoln School for hosting the grade 5 parents at the sixth grade transition meeting.
Mr. Brandmeyer announced the following:
You will need to have your library card with you in order to check out materials once the new system is online.
Ashton Peery moved to accept the Hanscom Primary School Improvement Plans for 2003-2004. Jan Nyquist seconded. Approved 4-0.
Four Broad Goals have been selected as the focus for Hanscom Middle.
Jan Nyquist moved to approve the Hanscom Middle School Improvement Plan for 2003-2004. Ashton Peery seconded. Approved 4-0.
Mr. Jack stated that the after-school music program has been running independently in the past but the administration now wants it under the umbrella of the school. Jan Nyquist and Ashton Peery had questions regarding comparative market rates for music instructors and how this increase compares. Jan Nyquist stated she would be more comfortable making a decision if she could see the comparative data in a report. Mr. Brandmeyer suggested that the discussion and vote for the music rate increase be rescheduled to the June 19th School Committee meeting, and Howard Worona could provide the information requested.
Mr. Brandmeyer’s recommendation to the School Committee is to allow 4 sections for the anticipated 90 students entering grade 3. This plan may be looked at in August by the School Committee if the enrollment increases in grade 3 to where all sections reach 23 students.
After a discussion the Committee agreed to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation.
Jurrien Timmer asked Mr. Brandmeyer to address the issue of adding a teacher assistant at third grade.
The Superintendent directed members of the Committee to turn to the budget and financial section on the agenda for the FY04 budget update. Mr. Brandmeyer stated that they could take the 30 hours of available aide time currently in the 5th kindergarten class and move those hours to third grade since there are only 4 sections of kindergarten next year.
To facilitate a respectful dialogue on all aspects of the Lincoln METCO Program among the members of the broad Lincoln community with the goal of achieving a shared understanding on the benefits and costs associated with our commitment to the program.
The committee plans to send out a questionnaire the week of June 9 to solicit questions that the community would like to see addressed about the Lincoln METCO program. The committee will then categorize responses to the survey over the summer. In the fall the committee will report on the themes generated through the questionnaire and plan a discussion or series of discussions or events that will take place around September or October.
These events will culminate in a town-wide moderated forum to take place in late November or early December.
Sue Hollingsworth commended the Lincoln METCO Forum Steering Committee for all the work they have done to date. Jurrien Timmer stated that the Task Force really wanted to set the stage for a public forum on METCO.
After some discussion by members of the School Committee around the fundraising aspect of this proposal, a decision was made to jump start the Book Room purchasing with a small amount of money left in this year’s budget, then approach the PTA for a donation in the fall with this proposal. Some suggested that this cause could also be added to the Annual Giving Campaign.
Ashton Peery moved to accept the donation of computers valued at $11,300. Jan Nyquist seconded. Approved 4-0.
The Superintendent stated that the METCO budget had a $38,000 reduction to the FY04 Grant. Christina Horner, METCO Director, stated that Boston parents are working to raise money to offset transportation costs and the bus monitors’ salaries.
Jurrien Timmer moved to approve a 3% pay schedule increase for aides, tutors, assistants, Food Service Directors, cafeteria workers, substitute teacher dispatcher and substitute teachers for FY04. Jan Nyquist seconded. Approved 4-0.
Sue Hollingsworth moved to approve the minutes of May 27. Ashton Peery seconded. Approved 3-0. Jan Nyquist abstained.
The open meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown