The Superintendent talked about the recent visit from Heifer International to Hanscom Primary School. The students have been fundraising this school year in hopes of purchasing a goat for a family in another country. The students actually raised enough money to purchase three goats at the cost of $120 each. Heifer International brought goats to the school so the students could see the animals. Mr. Brandmeyer also announced that the art display at the Lincoln Library in the Town of Lincoln is still up for those who have not seen it yet. It�s worth the visit!
Ms. Horner announced that Kaniah Dixon-Dunn, a 7th grade Lincoln student, was the proud winner of the �What METCO Means to ME� Contest sponsored by the Parent Legislative Committee, a volunteer parent group comprised of members of many participating METCO communities. Kaniah received a savings bond, public recognition at the Annual Lobby Day event at the State House and a VIP tour of the State House.
Ms. Horner spoke about the Kids for Change sponsored activities for the current school year. �Mix it Up Day� took place in November where students across the country were challenged to �mix up� their peer groups when they ate in the cafeteria. Students also sponsored several Wednesday afternoon discussions and attended the �World of Difference� conference. Coming up on Friday, May 16, 2003 the Kids For Change, Lincoln-METCO and the Recreation Department will once again cosponsor the Middle School dance at Northeastern University in Boston.
Another program Ms. Horner is particularly proud of is the Reading Buddies Program led by students from the Lincoln-Sudbury METCO program. The staff of the Lincoln METCO, Sudbury-METCO and the Lincoln-Sudbury METCO worked together to implement the program. On March 22, approximately 20 kindergarten through sixth grade students gathered at the Boys and Girls Club in Dorchester, where more than half of the participants were from the Lincoln-METCO program. The next session is slated for May 3rd.
Christina introduced several students Jessica Allen and Rusulenni Castro to read aloud their essays �What METCO Means To Me�. She also introduced Maria Mercedes Garcia who read her animal story she wrote for her third grade Native American project.
Mr. Brandmeyer extended his congratulations to Christina Horner, Poppy Milner and Amy Hood and to all the teachers who work with the Lincoln METCO children.
A parent in the audience thanked Christina for her efforts in keeping parents informed and united.
Sue Hollingsworth on behalf of the School Committee thanked Christina and said they are grateful for the leadership she has provided this year.
Gina Halsted will be stepping down as Chair of the Coordinating Committee after serving for the past three years.
Sue Hollingsworth thanked Gina for all her work and the awesome job she has done.
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown