The Superintendent announced that art teacher Sue Ludden from the Lincoln School has informed the community that over 100 students have art on display at the Lincoln Public Library where a reception will be held on Wednesday April 16th at 12:45 p.m.
Lastly, Mr. Brandmeyer congratulated Kathy Maloblocki’s and Fred Lipton’s sixth graders who participated in the Tuft’s sponsored Lego Robotics competition on April 5th. The students took 3rd place in the competition.
Administrators are working with central administration in planning the next three months in terms of expenditures within the FY’03 year.
Some discussion took place around the topic of snow removal on the Hanscom campus. Committee member Ron Deak offered to seek information regarding the contractor Hanscom base is using to maintain the roads on the base. He said they are doing an excellent job.
Ashton Peery thanked Dave Jack, Mr. Brandmeyer, and the Principals for keeping a watchful eye on the budget, as he said this brought back credibility to the Town and also helped with the success of the override.
Ashton Peery moved to accept the Lincoln School Foundation grants as presented. Mark Masterson seconded. Approved 4-0. Hanscom Representative concurred.
Athletic Program goals presented for the future were:
The Superintendent would like to invite the three finalists for the Assistant Superintendent position to meet with the School Committee for an interview to conclude the search.
Mr. Brandmeyer reported that a planning session with Dr. Wu has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 6 as one of the first of a series of discussions regarding the METCO Forum. The Committee is looking to the latter part of May or first week in June for the METCO Forum.
School Committee members discussed the possibility of placing the class size issue on a future School Committee agenda as preliminary hearing on the policy rather than holding a specific forum. Sue Hollingsworth made a suggestion to invite parents to the May 15th School Committee meeting to make a short presentation about class size then aim for the Committee to re-visit the policy in September or October.
Sue Hollingsworth appointed Ashton Peery as Vice Chair. Mark Masterson seconded. Approved 5-0. Hanscom Representative concurred.
Mark Masterson moved to approve the amendment to our contract with the Department of Defense. Jan Nyquist seconded. Approved 5-0. Hanscom Representative concurred.
Mark Masterson moved to approve the requested dates for graduation for both campuses. Ashton Peery seconded. Approved 5-0. Hanscom Representative concurred.
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown