Sue Hollingsworth thanked the Lincoln School staff for coming to the School Committee to show their support for the METCO program.
Lincoln parent Jennifer Morris Gundy asked the School Committee to consider less expensive ways to bring diversity to the school. Sue Hollingsworth announced that the School Committee is cosponsoring a discussion on diversity at a future date. Another parent voiced a concern that the children at the school seemed very concerned about the METCO issue and suggested that someone meet with the children and talk to them. Mr. Brandmeyer thanked the parent for her suggestion and said that he will talk to the administration at the Lincoln School about talking to the students. Julie Dubrow, PTA President; stated that the first hour of the April 1st PTA meeting will be dedicated to the METCO topic.
Sue also acknowledged Anne Doyle whose term is up on the School Committee. Sue mentioned how much she learned from Anne while serving with her on the Committee and complimented her on the extraordinary job she did as Chair of the School Committee during the financial crisis. Other Committee members complimented Anne on the many talents she brought to the group and appreciated the rigor of her financial oversight, and her focus and dedication on curriculum.
Mr. Brandmeyer thanked Anne on behalf of the Lincoln Public School�s administration and faculty and wished her well. He also appreciated the balance that Anne brought to the School Committee and complimented her on her ability to make hard decisions.
Anne Doyle thanked everyone for their kind words and mentioned that she looks forward to volunteering in the schools in other capacities. Sue reported that she, Anne, and the Superintendent attended the Grade 1 Nutrition Breakfast at Hanscom Primary School on Wednesday. She commended Randy Davis for overseeing the whole event. Anne also attended the Lincoln School Grade 5 talent show presented for the first time, and thanked Pam Roberts for all her time and efforts that made for an enjoyable and successful evening. Finally, Sue Hollingsworth commended Stephanie Brown for her outstanding minutes; the rest of the School Committee agreed.
Sherice Horton, METCO Representative; arrived at 7:33 p.m.
The Superintendent also attended and thanked the foreign language faculty for hosting the Foreign Language potluck dinner. Mr. Brandmeyer also thanked the fifth graders and Pam Roberts for their performances at the Grade 5 talent show held for the first time at the Lincoln campus.
Mr. Brandmeyer thanked Pam Roberts for her time and assistance in helping one of her students, Chris Stock, enter a musical piece he composed in the Massachusetts Music Educator�s Association composition contest. Chris was one of 4 winners of the contest and the only elementary age student to win.
Mr. Brandmeyer thanked all those who worked with Jerry to raise the money to start the program this school year. Jan Nyquist thanked Mr. Schultz and said it was nice to hear about a new and exciting program being implemented.
Mark Masterson arrived at 8:15 p.m.
The four choices are:
Discussion ensued around the four models put forth. Anne Doyle stated that the tuition option is new territory for the district. Mark Masterson said Maynard is facing the same issues.
Sue Hollingsworth moved to accept the recommendations of the Superintendent that the School Committee vote to provide the 80% kindergarten program through the operating budget; and to establish a kindergarten enrichment program for the balance of the day (using the 4 section model) and offering it to parents at the tuition rate of $1,650 per year, providing a minimum of 30 families elect to participate. Mark Masterson seconded.
Approved 3-0. Jan Nyquist abstained and Sherice Horton, METCO Representative; abstained.
Jan Nyquist had a question regarding the compliance of open meeting laws if the Committee did choose to meet at Hanscom on June 5th. Mr. Brandmeyer will check with the Attorney General�s Office in regards to the law.
Anne Doyle moved to approve the Admission of Non-Resident Students Policy JECB and to make the adjustments to the related policies:
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown