The meeting began with a discussion regarding the possibility of budget presentations to be made prior to Town Meeting. No decision was reached. Mickey Brandmeyer shared information with the Committee about the House I Budget proposal.
It was decided that Mickey Brandmeyer would work on the annual budget message during next week. Jan Nyquist will give him information on previous budget messages dating from 1990-1991.
The actual work session began with a review of the packet of information prepared by Mickey Brandmeyer. A general discussion ensued regarding the best way to present the critical information of the budget presentation so that it would be clear and understandable to all community members at Town Meeting. This discussion consumed the remainder of the evening.
Mr. Brandmeyer will prepare a revised set of slides for School Committee review.
Ashton Peery motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m., Jan Nyquiest seconded. Approved 4-0.
Respectfully submitted by
Jeanne Whitten, Assistant Superintendent