The Superintendent visited the Lincoln sixth graders’ Greek Show and Tell project last week in Kathy Wickerham’s Social Studies class. He congratulated the students on their creativity. The sixth graders made persuasive speeches, wrote and acted out Greek Tragedies with a modern theme, and also wrote their own music.
The Superintendent announced the speaker for Diversity Day the afternoon of March 5th. Dr. Pedro Noguera from Harvard University will address the faculty on the topic of empowering all students for high achievement and closing the achievement gap. Dr. Noguera will address Lincoln parents on Wednesday, April 2, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the Donaldson Auditorium.
The administration is proposing to the School Committee that a subcommittee be appointed to review the financial and operational aspects of the food service program. Mr. Timmer volunteered to be a parent member of the subcommittee. Mr. Brandmeyer suggested that the goal of this committee is to look at ways to reduce financial liability and increase the nutritional value of the meals served.
Ashton Peery moved to accept the $500 donation. Anne Doyle seconded. Approved 4-0.
Mr. Brandmeyer is recommending that the School Committee plan for four sections of full day kindergarten funded through the operating budget. He also is recommending that METCO staff begin the process to register Boston resident students but wait to offer seats to families until after the district completes the registration process and identifies the number of seats available.
Jan Nyquist mentioned that at the School Committee meeting in December, the Committee promised to set a date for a Kindergarten Forum. The Kindergarten Forum date was tentatively set for March 10th.
After some discussion members of the Committee felt it helpful to use this opportunity to put the focus on curriculum and programming when we create our School and District report cards.
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown