Jan Nyquist attended the PTA meeting and spoke to the discussion about the Public Forum on METCO on March 22, 2003, that the PTA voted to co-sponsor with the School Committee on March 22, 2003. Other topics of discussion at PTA were questions about the budget process, instructional aides and class size. Jan reports that the PTA finds it useful to have the School Committee keep the PTA informed on a monthly basis.
Anne Doyle sent kudos to the Recreation Department for the recent scavenger hunt they organized for Winter Carnival. She said it was great fun for all parties involved.
Two were written by Dr. Jeanne Whitten, the first: an Early Childhood Grant to study Mental Health Issues, for $4,000, and the second: a Title V Grant for $2,900 focused on science instruction.
Steve Kaplan and Teresa Watts wrote and received an Early Childhood Grant to study IEP’s and Curriculum, for $3,000.
Mr. Brandmeyer recently attended a workshop for superintendents by the Department of Education on the topic of school and district report cards, a new requirement of the Federal NCLB Act. He will work with the administrative teams to develop prototypes.
Mr. Brandmeyer expressed his concern over the inaccurate reporting in the METCO article written in the Lincoln Journal this week by Mr. Hagan
The most critical concern faced by the team was coming up with a plan for emergency vehicle access to the campus if Ballfield Road became un-passable.
Ron Deak suggested that the team look further at multiple avenues for egress. Jon Wentworth replied that the team is working with the Conservation Department to find the most suitable egress routes.
Ashton Peery asked about the Hanscom Campus Emergency Response Plan. Mr. Brandmeyer stated that the Hanscom Primary and Middle Schools are still in the development stages with their plan in cooperation with the Hanscom Base Operations and will report to the School Committee when they’ve completed their work.
Ashton Peery moved that the School Committee withdraw from the Massachusetts School Choice program for the 2003-2004 school year. Anne Doyle seconded. Approved 4-0. Hanscom and Metco Representatives concurred.
Jan Nyquist moved to accept the 2003-2004 school calendar. Anne Doyle seconded. Approved 4-0. Hanscom and Metco Representatives concurred.
Cindy Sweetser, a member of the community, has put forth a Warrant Article in regards to the METCO program to be discussed at the upcoming Town Meeting and has also proposed a ballot question. Mr. Timmer, a member of the Task Force, expressed his concern that the terms of the warrant put forward are too specific.
The PTA, The League of Women Voters and the School Committee agreed to co-sponsor a Forum on March 22 to give the community a chance to participate in a discussion about diversity, not specifically the METCO program.
Mr. Brandmeyer feels it is the responsibility of the School Committee to listen to the community not necessarily lead the discussions at the scheduled forum. He reminded them that they are responsible for following through on the Task Force suggestions, and recommends that the Committee set clear goals and actively participate in study groups preparing for FY05.
Penny Billings, Selectman, was in attendance and asked the School Committee for some indication as to their support of the ballot initiative prior to the Selectmen’s meeting on February 10th.
Audience members asked clarifying questions about the Warrant Article and Ballot question because the topic of diversity and the METCO program were being discussed simultaneously.
Ashton Peery moved that the School Committee not support setting a date for the Forum before the Town Meeting, but to co-sponsor the Forum after Town Meeting. No one seconded. Mr. Peery withdrew the motion.
Christina Horner, Metco Director, asked for clarity on the topic and purpose of the Forum. Sandy Storer clarified the PTA vote and indicated they would co-sponsor a series of discussions about diversity, one of which may be held before the town meeting.
Sue Hollingsworth asked Ms. Sweetser if she could change the language in the warrant article to be less specific and more in line with the ballot question. Ms. Sweetser stated she was willing to work on the language of the warrant article.
Sue Hollingsworth moved that the School Committee co-sponsor the Forum tentatively for the March 22nd date, with one or more active member of the School Committee sitting on the steering committee, and that they be responsible for the agenda and presentations.
Ashton Peery amended Sue’s motion and added that the School Committee recommend to the cosponsoring members of the Forum to give careful consideration to the Forum and allow an appropriate amount of time for adequate and careful planning.
Jan Nyquist seconded. Approved 4-0. Hanscom and Metco Representatives concurred.
Ashton Peery suggested that the School Committee meet on Monday, February 10th, prior to the Selectmen’s meeting to discuss and decide where they stand on the ballot initiative. Mr. Brandmeyer will post a special School Committee Meeting for Monday, February 10th at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall.
Anne Doyle thanked Jan and Ashton for their time in reviewing this report. Anne also asked if the Food Service budget deficit could be placed on a future agenda and be discussed.
Mr. Jack stated that the third quarter report will reflect our position with respect to utilities’ costs and the retirement incentives.
Jan Nyquist seconded. Approved 4-0. Hanscom and Metco Representatives concurred.
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown