The Finance Committee concluded that due to unexpected revenue gained from less expenditures for pensions and insurance, the School Department may add 1.8% to its base budget. This amount equates to $136,999. In addition the Finance Committee is preparing to support an override request of approximately $350,000 for FY04. If the community approves this override, the School Department will receive an additional $183,099.
Reading Teacher, Mathematics Specialist Teacher, funding for curriculum development, and the addition of Technology Assistants.
Mark Masterson moved that the School Committee vote to amend the Base Budget (7,443,952) to include an additional 1.8% increase ($136,991), for a total of $7,580,093. Ashton Peery seconded.
Approved 5-0.
Mr. Brandmeyer also recommended to the School Committee the following positions and programs for inclusion on the School Department’s override list:
Library Media Specialist, Curriculum Specialist for Mathematics, 56 hours of Instructional Assistants, Instructional materials (for elementary science programs), and funding for professional development.
A comment was made by kindergarten teacher Becky Eston that it would be helpful to list the many programs and services that have been cut from the School Department over the past two to three years and present this list at the Town Meeting for the purpose of the override discussion. Jan Nyquist agreed.
Mark Masterson moved that the School Committee vote a Recommended Budget which is compromised of the Base Budget of $7,580,093 and an additional $183,099 for a total FY04 Recommended Budget of $7,764,042. Sue Hollingsworth seconded. Approved 5-0.
Mark Masterson left the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
The curriculum for arts, music, PE, math, language arts, and technology are all at various stages of the continuum.
A Curriculum Advisory Committee will be organized to begin the blue printing process in Science in the spring. One project currently being planned is a live science exploration though a partnership with The Ocean Alliance, a Lincoln based firm. Through video conferencing Lincoln students in grades six and seven will talk with scientists living aboard a working vessel in the Indian Ocean. The scientists along with the students will be studying humpback whales.
The following policies have been completed to date:
The Superintendent recommended that the School Committee appoint a liaison to each of the Policy teams listed below:
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Brown