
Change - By Max, Grade 6

  • You slowly walk up the hill to feel the coastal air

    You finally reach the top to see litter everywhere

    You look out towards the sea and think

    You know in comparison this mess is just a spot of ink

    You bend down and pull the waste from out the sand

    You know this isn’t right, you have to make a stand

    You go to school the next day and share what you found

    You get the help of many to help remove the mound

    Change starts with you.

A Song of the Homeless - By King David, Grade 6

  • My mom & dad died in a war

    From there I was homeless

    Don’t have enough to go to the store

    I don’t have money and I can’t control it

    But the Earth is my turf

    And I love being in it

    Although my life hurts

    I see things in a different image

    The sun shines & birds tweet

    I just sit & observe

    I go to the dump to get something to eat

    Then I sit on a curb

    The nights are very short

    The end to my day

    I’ll wake up tomorrow

    And it’ll be okay

Ode to Cesar - By Lucas, Grade 6

  • He lost his farm

    There was harm

    He joined the Navy

    To help people in the wavey

    He joined the CSO

    He followed his dream

    It took some steam

    The UFW was born

    With 1,200 dollars in savings

    He wanted to complete his ravings

    He wanted to help farmworkers in need

    But it would be tough

    But he stepped up

    But he needed people

    So he went to the steeple

    100 faces were there

    But only 2 were persuaded

    His campaign soon got famous

    Mr. Kennedy came to Delano

    He said Chavez

    Is a historic figure

    His campaign became bigger and bigger

    He boycotted grapes

    For the farmers

    Now all rights were equal

    For the farmworking people

    Chavez said “Yes it can be done”

    But now he can say

    He was the one

    Who made rights equal

    For now and beyond

Horse - By Charlotte, Allison, Geyao, Gregory, Axel, Grade 8

  • The corn stalks represent our lives

    As they get shot, another man dies

    8,000 dead

    Victory of the battle may be seen ahead

    We fight for our country

    Defending the freedom-hungry.

    Joseph Hooker was General of the Union

    Fighting against what he thought was inhuman

    15 times, they ran through the field.

    Within the corn, the battle was revealed.

    Once the battle had past,

    The Confederate troops recovered fast.

    Stonewall Jackson, the Confederate general

    Sat on his steed, satisfied and prideful

    He bit into his peach, thanking god for his victory

    Feeling sure he left a footprint

    In American history.

Truth - By Gray, Grade 7

  • It is so complicated, the truth

    Everyone hides, the biggest secrets


    From best friends.

    The truth

    Buried underneath

    Half truths


    Outright lies

    But the truth is a dangerous thing

    A slippery thing

    A thing that likes the dark


    To hide

    People can hide

    Behind secrets

    And truth

    Is a fluorescent light

    Things look ugly bathed in it

    But you need it

    To see the path.

Poems - By Max, Grade 6

  • Searching


    Searching my brain

    Trying to

     Find a match

    That's not insane



    Of a word

    One that

    Is not absurd

    What's a word that

     Fits with lane






    Writing poems

    Can be a pain

Gratitude - By Max, Grade 6

  • The ones we are

     most thankful for

     are the ones we are

     most scared of thanking

    After they are gone,

     or have passed on,

     to show you care,

     you must make an

     Impact around you

     to help others

     like they did for you

    As long as what

     you do holds honor

     and your motives are true,

    It no longer matters

     what you didn’t say

     it just matters what you do

One - By Lila, Grade 6

  • sunflower


    The DanDelion is a flower of

    Fun, a flower with licks of lemon,

    A flower of moon,


    A happy one, one as the moon,

    One as the sky, one as the birds,

    One by one they fly by,


    One as itself never one alike,

    One will never be the same, my

    Flower of one.

Knock Knock - By Max, Grade 6

  • Knock knock knock.

    “Come in,” the man said. He looked to be in his mid-thirties, was tall and had neat, brown, brushed-back hair and a short beard. A woman taller and seemingly older, sharp as a tack, with silver hair, walked in quickly, not wasting a minute. The name of the man with brushed-back hair was Roger Rodgers -- yes, a bit of a repetitive name, but a strong one for sure.

    “Ah, Cynthia.”

    “Afternoon, sir, Angela’s adoption papers have been filed and James just got picked up at 5:00 before you arrived. He seemed confident; I think he liked the shoes… and your story about the orphanage.”

    Roger paused and stared, eyes empty for just a short moment and then continued shuffling papers. No one would normally notice this, but Cynthia knew him, she knew something was going on.

    “Uh, Sir, there is some other news… some kids vandalized the front sign.”Mr. Rodgers looked down and muttered, “she died last evening.”

    “Who?... oh, I’m so sorry.”

    “Thank you,” Roger said while massaging his forehead.

    “I’ve held it together this long…”

    “How did you find out?”

    “I found out in the local paper a few hours ago. I have been trying to build up the courage to see her again, for the past twenty years.” There was a long pause and he added, “The other tenants of her apartment are holding a small service on Saturday. I believe I can trust you to run the place for three days,” Roger said while standing up abruptly.

    “Of course, sir.”

    “No need for formality.”

    “Yes, si--, Roger.”

    As Roger left the orphanage where he had put all his work and care, he looked up at the big sign that used to say: “LUELLA BATES WASHINGTON JONES ORPHANAGE.” He wasn’t filled with a warm feeling or a humble pride, instead he just felt empty, completely hollow.


    All he had from that night was the ten-dollar bill given to him by Ms. Jones. Instead of it sitting with the rest of the money in his wallet, he kept it right next to his drivers license; it being the closest thing he had to an ID.


    It was Saturday morning and he was walking down Ms. Jones’s street. It was in the bad part of the city Roger used to frequent. This wasn’t the first time he had come back. When he was 19, he came back to the apartment, walked right up to the door, raised his hand to knock, but then ran away.


    Now, 16 years later, he stopped five feet from the door and took out his wallet. He looked at his drivers license and then Ms. Jones’s ten-dollar bill. He looked at the money with gratitude and a warm heart. A single tear rolled down his face, one tear as he finally reached out. Knock knock knock.

Graduation Speech 2019 - By Alec

  • Good evening, faculty, parents, relatives, and most importantly my fellow graduates. First, I would like to say congratulations to the Class of 2019. We did it. We survived middle school.


                Often, my peers and I complain that nothing ever changes around here. Everything is “boring” and nothing exciting happens. But as I look around, I see that something tremendous has occurred. We ARE the exciting thing that’s happened. As tiny sixth graders, we laughed about whatever Mr. Trant had joked about in class. Then as insecure seventh graders, we stressed over our speeches in Ms. Nam’s class. And since September, as “rule the school”  eighth graders, we have prepared all year for this very day.


    We don’t realize it, but so much happens during one day at school. Whether it’s a crushing basketball game loss, a four on your math test, or an awesome new song shared with your best friends during French (sorry Ms. Hansen) - all of these tiny, seemingly everyday occurrences shaped us into who we are today. Our trials and tribulations, our successes and defeats have built our character. They have made us laugh. They have made us cry. And sometimes, they have made us angry. Through it all, every one of us has found our voice. Whether passionately debating a topic in Ms. Skelton’s class, standing up for a friend, or advocating for yourself when no one else is there to do it for you - your voices have become loud and clear. So no matter what road we travel next year, whether to L-S or elsewhere, I hope all our voices become stronger as we journey through high school and beyond. And most of all, I hope we cherish our days here at Lincoln School, as it has laid the foundation for a very bright future for us all.


                Once again, congratulations Class of 2019. We did it.

Interview With Ms. Sweeney, Our ELL Teacher - By Ricardo, 8th Grade

  • How are you? Great


    When did you graduate from college? 2012


    When did you start teaching? In 2014


    Why did you become a teacher?

    I always knew that I wanted a job that helped people. I went to college and studied speech pathology. I thought I wanted to do speech therapy in a hospital, so one summer I interned at Emerson Hospital and I found that I liked working with kids the best. I enrolled in graduate school after that and studied elementary education and reading.


    What did you do before you worked in Lincoln?

    While I was in graduate school, I worked as an ABA therapist, providing early intervention services to students all around Boston.


    What would you do if you weren’t a teacher? I would want to be a nurse or an event planner.


    Why do you want to help people that came to do the USA?

    I really like learning about different cultures and getting to know students who come from different places all over the world. I think these students have so much to bring to our community and we have so much to learn from them!


    Do you have any siblings? Yes, two brothers: Kyle and Bryan.


    Why did you choose Lincoln to teach? I liked that Lincoln was a small school and that all the teachers get to know all of the students.


    What was your favorite subject growing up? Social Studies.


    Do have any pets? Yes! A super cute mini labradoodle named Duffy.


Faculty Spotlight - By Julia and Ellie, Grade 8

  • One person who does not get much recognition for their important work here at our school is Ms. Doherty! As the lady in the office who might give you a snack or arrange your early dismissal, Ms. Doherty does much more than that! Like teachers, her regular day starts before students even arrive at school. But unlike most teachers, Ms. Doherty has to arrange which substitute teachers are going to cover which classrooms. After her morning of searching for substitutes, Ms. Doherty’s school day has only just begun. A few more tasks include: receiving calls from parents, creating schedules, working on the yearbook, proofreading report cards, giving out snacks, letting people into the school, and many, many more things. At the end of the day Ms. Doherty makes sure all the kids know how they are getting home and that everyone is on the bus before the buses leave. While Ms. Doherty does have to do many important and sometimes boring tasks, changing tasks makes her day more interesting. One thing is certain though, without Ms. Doherty, the school would not run as well as it does with her.

    Thank you Ms. Doherty!

    Another person many people don’t know about is Mr. Clune! Though you probably have never seen him, he actually is responsible for many important tasks at our school. The majority of what he does is behind the “mystery” door in the library. Behind the door, Mr. Clune is responsible for the program with all of the student information. He also has to report to the state about student grades, attendances, and absences. Mr. Clune even helps Ms. Doherty with student schedules. By doing things behind the scenes, Mr. Clune can perform many things that help the school run smoothly and makes life easier for others who already have busy lives. Thanks to Mr. Clune all of the student information is secure!

Dream Big - By King David, Grade 6

  • What’s dreaming?

    Dreaming’s when they can’t stop you from being

    The person that you wanna be as a human being

    What’s dreaming?

    Dreaming’s when they can’t stop you from seeing

    The goals ya tryna reach so you better go and reachem

    Growing up in Boston surrounded by the ghetto

    Little black boy and he’s a part of METCO

    Inspired by his friends that try to put him down

    But deep down somewhere he knows that he’s special

    I dream big everyday like lucid dreams when I

    See myself  on a bigger stage or balling like Lebron in ‘08

    I’m so great instead of admitting they wanna throw hate

    I got the world in the palm of my hands watch it rotate

    I do it for my fams and my day ones

    Rappin the other week tryna get this paper

    For the better living now I’m looking in the mirror different

    Yes I’m black and they won’t stop me from making a difference

    What’s your perception Im dreaming can’t stop me from flexing

    Don’t need a necklace cause bling does not decide that I’m wreckless

    I’m still spitting still didn’t get the message

    For those that doubted the kid I’m sure you learned ya lesson

    If you wanna be a nurse or a sprinter

    Just have a cool mindset and you’ll be the winner that you

    Never thought was in you