• Lincoln SEPAC


    At this time the district has an Interim Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC). The district’s previous SEPAC became inactive in 2019.  Despite great efforts by our previous SEPAC board and the collaborative efforts of the administration and the parents/guardians, the lack of sufficient participation at the executive board levels resulted in an inability to continue with an active SEPAC as defined according to state by-laws. The previous SEPAC had developed a structure of support for families and a website of resources for our parent/guardian community. In addition, they partnered with the administration to provide input into programming for our students as well as to provide trainings and support to our parent/guardian community. 


    The Interim SEPAC and the district will continue to invite parents/guardians to join meetings and events.  


    The following is an excerpt from Section 3 of Chapter 71B of MGL that pertains to SEPACs:


    “The school committee of any city, town, or school district shall establish a parent advisory council on special education. Membership shall be offered to all parents of children with disabilities and other interested parties. The parent advisory council duties shall include but not be limited to: advising the school committee on matters that pertain to the education and safety of students with disabilities; meeting regularly with school officials to participate in the planning, development, and evaluation of the school committee's special education programs. The parent advisory council shall establish by-laws regarding officers and operational procedures. In the course of its duties under this section, the parent advisory council shall receive assistance from the school committee without charge, upon reasonable notice, and subject to the availability of staff and resources."


    If you are interested in participating in the formation of  an executive board to ensure the district has an active SEPAC, please don’t hesitate to reach out Mary Emmons, Administrator for Student Services at memmons@lincnet.org.
Last Modified on January 21, 2022